There is one reference to lakes. It mentions that 'we' neglected the dams and drained the aquefiers, without specifying whether the 'we' in question refers to the NCR or to inhabitants of California in pre-NCR years. There is nothing to indicate a cycle like the one you describe.
There are multiple references to this and do you think draining lakes in California pre-NCR times is even possible?
True. On the other hand, those towns generally become more prosperous and the taxes are used to provide valuable services to those same towns.
How so?
NCR is having food shortages (that's how brahmin barons gained so much power), soaring taxes, and water shortages, how is that prosperous in any way, shape or form?
It's just making those towns a part of the NCR's problem and giving them a burden that shouldn't affect them at all unless they ask to be annexed.
Again, that sounds exactly like the justification Lynette gave for the way Vault City was run. And I killed her for that. So of course I'm going to kill House for the same thing.
The difference between Vault City and House is that House actually cares about what is beyond his home.
He knows that he can't help everybody and he accepts that but his plan is to move people to another life supporting planet to let humanity start over without all of the wasteland.
Reality is one thing. Post-apocalyptic America is a different story, and separatists of any kind cannot be allowed to be in charge.
You don't get the reasoning then.
Would you like junkies and thugs to loiter in your store if you run/did run one?
Unless it's a place to help them then I think the answer would be no.
Meh. They should be joining the NCR anyway. And it's not like there is military occupation. NCR seems to seek consent from the communities it annexes, even though it presses for that consent really hard.
Oh really?
Have you heard of Bullhead City? It's south of the Mojave and the NCR decided that they wanted the position after the First Battle for Hoover Dam.
There were a bunch of independant tribes in the area (about eight) and when the NCR marched in and told them they wanted their land for a base they told them to leave, no threats or anything.
So the NCR agreed and went home right?
No, they slaughtered the tribes and turned Bullhead City into a large military base to keep the Legion away from California.
To be fair about it, House also doesn't provide services to those towns.
The NCR usually doesn't either.
They may pick off the raiders who attack them when they head into an area but they leave those who don't and the towns they take over and tax to the raiders' mercy.
I don't call 'Killing whoever is in charge and then forcefully annexing it' asking for consent, which is what the NCR does to the strip, they send you to kill House and then when thats done they just take over
They have used underhand tactics like that multiple times.
llmarnen keeps talking about Vault City, do you know how the NCR annexed it?
They polluted their water, causing sterilization and minor mutation among most of the population and then annexed them with promises of clean water. White knights of the wastes though, right?
Not sure about the amount of force involved. From the way everyone talked about it once House is out of the picture, the people pretty much accept NCR protection on their own.
Well it's either that or the Legion at that point and who likes being enslaved?
Also to be fair they only went after House because they suspected he was going to betray them - which was true, but only because he suspected they were going to get rid of him. It's a cycle of mutual paranoia, and it's up to the Courier to decide who gets to strike first.
No, they went after House because he was draining their caps with the Strip and they wanted to secure power in the Mojave.
He saved Vegas turned 3 tribes into somewhat civilized people like u said and he made a wonderfull strip i love it i wont deny it. But he still lacks what some people might call humanity. He cares about progress not individual people. He doesnt know what its like. He has the power to do much more then what he does but still he believes he is destined to start putting people in space ships so they can [censored] off from earth. Look i respect house but i dont like how he thinks he practically makes the courier work for him. He is too much business and too little Hey lets help some of those ghetto kids over in Freeside cause i got so much power. Hell he even says he doesnt care to save humanity he just wanted to save Vegas.Well said friend.
House lacks a lot of his humanity, that's kind of what happens when you hang out with exclusively robots for 200 years, but that doesn't mean he's a bad leader.
He wants to help humanity, that's why he sat through those centuries of boredom. Taking that away is just evil.
No, he said he couldn't save humanity so he settled on saving Vegas.