Is Mr.House the best option?

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:13 am

For you...
Look House aint new blood he is a 200-300 year old abomination with a robot army under his control. Genius or not he doesnt actually help the people that need help.
He came back and killed alot of people pushing them out from their homes and into a ghetto. Freeside.

-He is new blood "metagaming wise". Storywise. We dont have a Fallout faction that resembles him. Thats what I ment. I thought I had made that somewhat clear.

He came back and killed alot of people and pushed them out of their homes... which people? The vault 21 people? He won that vault fair and square.

People pushed to Freeside. Sure some were. But even those now have the benefits of tourists making it onto the strip. In the future they would reap more benefits.

Youre from Denmark. The former working class slums here in copenhagen are now hip places to live with a small business econmy that has pretty much defied the economic crisis. Hell we even have a michelin star gourmet restaurant here on Noerrebro. I live fivehundred meters from the place. Same thing goes in most urban centers in the world. NY and London for instance.

More caps for house means an incresed need for workforce and for more glitter and glamour. 3 resort casinos enough? I dont think so. He will need croupiers, cleaners, accountants, concierges, waiters, plumbers, electricians, construction crews etc. He will need to draw in educated people to help him keep his dream going. He cant rebuild if people do not undestand blueprints or math. He cant build without metals and concrete.

His robots are expensive and not easily replaceable, nor suited for manual labour. On the other hand he has Freeside and westside with access to plenty of cheap labour. As these people get paid and save up (some of) their cash they too will want schools for their kids, luxory goods, entertainment, electricity, etc. And if he doesnt provide it, some enterprising soul will. So... thats cash not going back into the "House". So I dont see that happening.

House can build a "cradle to grave" society where every need is catered to by him. Where all caps eventually finds its way (back) into his pockets. So why shouldnt he? And why shouldnt this society prosper?
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:26 pm

That doesnt make him new its just his government that he is establishing. Look looking at NCR and House they are better then most other wasteland crawlers but i dont see none of them fit for Vegas. House saved Vegas but killed its residents and took it for himself so i got a [censored]in problem with him.

How did he kill the residents? I guess all the nukes House stopped were just targeting trees, 'cause those communists really hate trees. Mr. House has probably saved the most lives in the entire fallout history (minus possibly the lone wanderer). checking out the endings it's clear that besides from destroying the fiends Mr. House never starts hostilities no any faction post ending.

A further point is that House tamed 3 major gangs and made them into at least somewhat civilized people, if he hadn't those gangs would of just kept on targeting anyone they saw, killing more people.
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Rex Help
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:34 pm

How did he kill the residents? I guess all the nukes House stopped were just targeting trees, 'cause those communists really hate trees. Mr. House has probably saved the most lives in the entire fallout history (minus possibly the lone wanderer). checking out the endings it's clear that besides from destroying the fiends Mr. House never starts hostilities no any faction post ending.

A further point is that House tamed 3 major gangs and made them into at least somewhat civilized people, if he hadn't those gangs would of just kept on targeting anyone they saw, killing more people.
House barley saved anyone, Vegas is a ruin like all the other Targeted cities.
The Vault dweller has the title of "Most people saved."
Also what about the Kings and Primm even. "How dare you try to make the best of a bad situation I caused! Death and Poverty for all of you!"

The Omertas are killing people, The white gloves are killing people and the leader of the Chairmen was going to kill House.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:39 am

The NCr would like to destroy the raiders but their overextended, this was mentioned many times, along with the mention of them destroying many other raider bands. Where are you getting "draining resources" from? I hear people mention it but never found anything proving it. I don't understand the steal people's land one either, except for Moreno I don't think I've found them kicking out civilians of thier land.

They drained all of the lakes in California to trade water to towns. They're turning their lands into deserts and so they are expanding to new lands to take those resources because they used all of their own too quickly which'll just turn into an unstoppable cycle until they are too overextended to control anything and collapse.

Towns like Goodsprings are taken over and for those who don't want the NCR to tax them, those who get by good enough and don't have to fight for their land much, are pushed off of their land if they refuse to pay.

The entire concept of forceful separation between rich and poor sits badly with me - blame Fallout 2 and Vault City flashbacks. If there's one lesson that game taught me it's that people who care only about themselves and are willing to create rules that benefit them at the expense of others don't belong in charge of anything. And he never seems to drop that kind of attitude - House's every action seems calculated solely for his own benefit. That would be one thing if he was trying to be a private entity, but when he tries to create laws with that intent, he's going down.

It's not forceful seperation, it's keeping a place safe. The Strip would've been torn apart years ago if anybody could walk in through the door.

So are you saying having a fee to get in anywhere is immoral (in reality)? And if so what do you think happens when you say screw the fee and barge in?

And it's not even a fee, they just have you show them you have money. It's how they keep broke beggars and junkies off of the Strip.

NCR gets rid of raiders just as soon as they beat the legion, they make places richer and better off, and they forcefully incoroporate land into their country, which is not the same thing as stealing it.

No, there are raiders in California (bigger ones like the Khans were defeated but smaller ones are apparently not worth the time. Guess time is more valuable then safety.), they take the water and riches of places they conquer, and they force independant towns to join their country, if the town citizens can't afford the taxes then they are forced to leave.

How is that not immoral to you?

House doesn't charge taxes to towns like Goodsprings unless they sided against him.

House barley saved anyone, Vegas is a ruin like all the other Targeted cities.
The Vault dweller has the title of "Most people saved."
Also what about the Kings and Primm even. "How dare you try to make the best of a bad situation I caused! Death and Poverty for all of you!"

The Omertas are killing people, The white gloves are killing people and the leader of the Chairmen was going to kill House.

Vegas would've looked worse than LA if it weren't for House!

The Vault Dweller pretty much saved all of humanity but so did the Chosen One.

If you ran a nation would you allow a faction that sided with your enemies to live within your nation? And there are alternatives such as war with the NCR (Kings) and a not becoming an NCR town (Primm).

But there are far more examples of NCR attrocities then House's.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:28 pm

They drained all of the lakes in California to trade water to towns. They're turning their lands into deserts and so they are expanding to new lands to take those resources because they used all of their own too quickly which'll just turn into an unstoppable cycle until they are too overextended to control anything and collapse.

There is one reference to lakes. It mentions that 'we' neglected the dams and drained the aquefiers, without specifying whether the 'we' in question refers to the NCR or to inhabitants of California in pre-NCR years. There is nothing to indicate a cycle like the one you describe.

Towns like Goodsprings are taken over and for those who don't want the NCR to tax them, those who get by good enough and don't have to fight for their land much, are pushed off of their land if they refuse to pay.

True. On the other hand, those towns generally become more prosperous and the taxes are used to provide valuable services to those same towns.

So are you saying having a fee to get in anywhere is immoral (in reality)? And if so what do you think happens when you say screw the fee and barge in?

And it's not even a fee, they just have you show them you have money. It's how they keep broke beggars and junkies off of the Strip.

Again, that sounds exactly like the justification Lynette gave for the way Vault City was run. And I killed her for that. So of course I'm going to kill House for the same thing.

Reality is one thing. Post-apocalyptic America is a different story, and separatists of any kind cannot be allowed to be in charge.

How is that not immoral to you?

Meh. They should be joining the NCR anyway. And it's not like there is military occupation. NCR seems to seek consent from the communities it annexes, even though it presses for that consent really hard.
House doesn't charge taxes to towns like Goodsprings unless they sided against him.

To be fair about it, House also doesn't provide services to those towns.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:09 pm

Meh. They should be joining the NCR anyway. And it's not like there is military occupation. NCR seems to seek consent from the communities it annexes, even though it presses for that consent really hard.

I don't call 'Killing whoever is in charge and then forcefully annexing it' asking for consent, which is what the NCR does to the strip, they send you to kill House and then when thats done they just take over
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:40 am

I don't call 'Killing whoever is in charge and then forcefully annexing it' asking for consent, which is what the NCR does to the strip, they send you to kill House and then when thats done they just take over

Not sure about the amount of force involved. From the way everyone talked about it once House is out of the picture, the people pretty much accept NCR protection on their own.

Also to be fair they only went after House because they suspected he was going to betray them - which was true, but only because he suspected they were going to get rid of him. It's a cycle of mutual paranoia, and it's up to the Courier to decide who gets to strike first.
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:28 pm

How did he kill the residents? I guess all the nukes House stopped were just targeting trees, 'cause those communists really hate trees. Mr. House has probably saved the most lives in the entire fallout history (minus possibly the lone wanderer). checking out the endings it's clear that besides from destroying the fiends Mr. House never starts hostilities no any faction post ending.

A further point is that House tamed 3 major gangs and made them into at least somewhat civilized people, if he hadn't those gangs would of just kept on targeting anyone they saw, killing more people.
He saved Vegas turned 3 tribes into somewhat civilized people like u said and he made a wonderfull strip i love it i wont deny it. But he still lacks what some people might call humanity. He cares about progress not individual people. He doesnt know what its like. He has the power to do much more then what he does but still he believes he is destined to start putting people in space ships so they can [censored] off from earth. Look i respect house but i dont like how he thinks he practically makes the courier work for him. He is too much business and too little Hey lets help some of those ghetto kids over in Freeside cause i got so much power. Hell he even says he doesnt care to save humanity he just wanted to save Vegas.
Not sure about the amount of force involved. From the way everyone talked about it once House is out of the picture, the people pretty much accept NCR protection on their own.

Also to be fair they only went after House because they suspected he was going to betray them - which was true, but only because he suspected they were going to get rid of him. It's a cycle of mutual paranoia, and it's up to the Courier to decide who gets to strike first.
Well said friend.
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:04 pm

Look i respect house but i dont like how he thinks he practically makes the courier work for him. He is too much business and too little Hey lets help some of those ghetto kids over in Freeside cause i got so much power.

The Courier does work for House, if he didn't then none of the events of the game would of taken place. Maybe it's 'cause House is a businessman, House has done a lot of work in 7 years but he's in a delicate position, he can't be seen to be trying to win factions over to his side or the NCR would crack down on him
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Rob Smith
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:28 pm

There is one reference to lakes. It mentions that 'we' neglected the dams and drained the aquefiers, without specifying whether the 'we' in question refers to the NCR or to inhabitants of California in pre-NCR years. There is nothing to indicate a cycle like the one you describe.

There are multiple references to this and do you think draining lakes in California pre-NCR times is even possible?

True. On the other hand, those towns generally become more prosperous and the taxes are used to provide valuable services to those same towns.

How so?
NCR is having food shortages (that's how brahmin barons gained so much power), soaring taxes, and water shortages, how is that prosperous in any way, shape or form?

It's just making those towns a part of the NCR's problem and giving them a burden that shouldn't affect them at all unless they ask to be annexed.

Again, that sounds exactly like the justification Lynette gave for the way Vault City was run. And I killed her for that. So of course I'm going to kill House for the same thing.

The difference between Vault City and House is that House actually cares about what is beyond his home.

He knows that he can't help everybody and he accepts that but his plan is to move people to another life supporting planet to let humanity start over without all of the wasteland.

Reality is one thing. Post-apocalyptic America is a different story, and separatists of any kind cannot be allowed to be in charge.

You don't get the reasoning then.

Would you like junkies and thugs to loiter in your store if you run/did run one?

Unless it's a place to help them then I think the answer would be no.

Meh. They should be joining the NCR anyway. And it's not like there is military occupation. NCR seems to seek consent from the communities it annexes, even though it presses for that consent really hard.

Oh really?
Have you heard of Bullhead City? It's south of the Mojave and the NCR decided that they wanted the position after the First Battle for Hoover Dam.

There were a bunch of independant tribes in the area (about eight) and when the NCR marched in and told them they wanted their land for a base they told them to leave, no threats or anything.

So the NCR agreed and went home right?

No, they slaughtered the tribes and turned Bullhead City into a large military base to keep the Legion away from California.

To be fair about it, House also doesn't provide services to those towns.

The NCR usually doesn't either.

They may pick off the raiders who attack them when they head into an area but they leave those who don't and the towns they take over and tax to the raiders' mercy.

I don't call 'Killing whoever is in charge and then forcefully annexing it' asking for consent, which is what the NCR does to the strip, they send you to kill House and then when thats done they just take over

They have used underhand tactics like that multiple times.

llmarnen keeps talking about Vault City, do you know how the NCR annexed it?

They polluted their water, causing sterilization and minor mutation among most of the population and then annexed them with promises of clean water. White knights of the wastes though, right?

Not sure about the amount of force involved. From the way everyone talked about it once House is out of the picture, the people pretty much accept NCR protection on their own.

Well it's either that or the Legion at that point and who likes being enslaved?

Also to be fair they only went after House because they suspected he was going to betray them - which was true, but only because he suspected they were going to get rid of him. It's a cycle of mutual paranoia, and it's up to the Courier to decide who gets to strike first.

No, they went after House because he was draining their caps with the Strip and they wanted to secure power in the Mojave.

He saved Vegas turned 3 tribes into somewhat civilized people like u said and he made a wonderfull strip i love it i wont deny it. But he still lacks what some people might call humanity. He cares about progress not individual people. He doesnt know what its like. He has the power to do much more then what he does but still he believes he is destined to start putting people in space ships so they can [censored] off from earth. Look i respect house but i dont like how he thinks he practically makes the courier work for him. He is too much business and too little Hey lets help some of those ghetto kids over in Freeside cause i got so much power. Hell he even says he doesnt care to save humanity he just wanted to save Vegas.Well said friend.

House lacks a lot of his humanity, that's kind of what happens when you hang out with exclusively robots for 200 years, but that doesn't mean he's a bad leader.

He wants to help humanity, that's why he sat through those centuries of boredom. Taking that away is just evil.

No, he said he couldn't save humanity so he settled on saving Vegas.
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meg knight
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:12 pm

House lacks a lot of his humanity, that's kind of what happens when you hang out with exclusively robots for 200 years, but that doesn't mean he's a bad leader.

He wants to help humanity, that's why he sat through those centuries of boredom. Taking that away is just evil.

No, he said he couldn't save humanity so he settled on saving Vegas.
And he didnt care to save humanity he said so himself. And i agree he is not a bad leader but i dont deem to make him responsible for the lifes of many poor people. That never goes good for him. I felt bad first time i killed him but i have lost all humane feelings towards him. I dont believe that he will succed.
The Courier does work for House, if he didn't then none of the events of the game would of taken place. Maybe it's 'cause House is a businessman, House has done a lot of work in 7 years but he's in a delicate position, he can't be seen to be trying to win factions over to his side or the NCR would crack down on him
I still think he tackles the situation wrong. He has made good things but without the courier Ullysses (sorry cant spell his name) would have taken the couriers place and it would all be up to him and he doesnt like any faction that much (he likes Legion most).
I think there needs to be less business and more humanity when making a government especially where there are so much people that are living in poverty as seen in Freeside.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:07 pm

And he didnt care to save humanity he said so himself. And i agree he is not a bad leader but i dont deem to make him responsible for the lifes of many poor people. That never goes good for him. I felt bad first time i killed him but i have lost all humane feelings towards him. I dont believe that he will succed.

No you're twisting his words, he says he knew he COULDN'T save humanity but he WOULD'VE if he COULD.

I still think he tackles the situation wrong. He has made good things but without the courier Ullysses (sorry cant spell his name) would have taken the couriers place and it would all be up to him and he doesnt like any faction that much (he likes Legion most).
I think there needs to be less business and more humanity when making a government especially where there are so much people that are living in poverty as seen in Freeside.

Just take out the second L and you would've had it.

Now that is where NV gets into philosophy, I would counter that by saying humanity does nicer and eviler things then business does (which remains relatively neutral).
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:17 pm

No you're twisting his words, he says he knew he COULDN'T save humanity but he WOULD'VE if he COULD.
No im not. (your argument is invalid)
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:56 pm

No im not. (your argument is invalid)

You are, I remember the quote, I've heard it dozens of times.

And because I remember it one way and you remember it another makes my arguement invalid? When did your reality become THE reality?
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:00 am

You are, I remember the quote, I've heard it dozens of times.

And because I remember it one way and you remember it another makes my arguement invalid? When did your reality become THE reality?
that was a joke you know like all those bronies say. And dude i have heard it dosens times too man. Hell im googling it.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:08 pm

that was a joke you know like all those bronies say. And dude i have heard it dosens times too man. Hell im googling it.

Ok, sorry jokes do not proccess well over the Internet.
Alright, I can't wait to see it.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:23 pm

I checked it out he says: I knew i couldnt save the world nor did i care to.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:48 pm

I checked it out he says: I knew i couldnt save the world nor did i care to.

That's the world.

In the state it was in and every country hating his own why would he ever want to save the world?

Now humanity is a different story.
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Rach B
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:27 am

He wanted to save Vegas and perhaps in the process save Humanity. He cares about progress which does have about everything to do with humanity. He didnt save Vegas for the people he saved it cause he loved it. You know how much he loves it even more then i love Vegas but he is still inhumane.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:39 pm

He wanted to save Vegas and perhaps in the process save Humanity. He cares about progress which does have about everything to do with humanity. He didnt save Vegas for the people he saved it cause he loved it. You know how much he loves it even more then i love Vegas but he is still inhumane.

That is not the point I am making, the point is should irrational, biased humans be able to rule other humans or should an immortal, inhumane man do it?
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:07 pm

That is not the point I am making, the point is should irrational, biased humans be able to rule other humans or should an immortal, inhumane man do it?
I should. I seriously think that i should lead Vegas because im invincible in new vegas. Seriously.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:46 am

I should. I seriously think that i should lead Vegas because im invincible in new vegas. Seriously.

But the Courier doesn't rule Vegas.

If he goes Indie then everybody is independant.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:44 pm

But the Courier doesn't rule Vegas.

If he goes Indie then everybody is independant.
Try to think outside the ending. Its like establishing a government yourself because u dont trust anyone else to rule.
God gave u a brain bro use it.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:35 pm

If he goes Indie then everybody is independant.

If the Courier chooses that, then yes, you are correct.

But the Courier doesn't have to choose Anarchism, and frankly, I don't think he/she would.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:46 am

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