The only criticism I have of House's regime is that, economically, it's far too reliant on NCR commerce. Though you get the feeling House has divised ways to circumvent that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't House draw up an agreement in which the NCR still receives electricity from Hoover Dam, but at so many caps per kilowatt? NCR already drained its lakes, so I don't see how they could refuse. I am also led to believe that with a sufficient Barter skill, you can avoid an embargo all together. And even if that's not possible, there's evidence to suggest that the Mojave campaign wasn't all that too popular with NCR citizens. For example, Hanlon is elected as senator of Redding on the back of an anti-war line. That in mind, there's no reason why tourism would decline - and if it did, it'd only be a short-term setback.
I, personally, am open to the idea of an independent Vegas because the people are already self-sufficient to begin with, and with an NCR ending, for instance, they'd only be burdened with taxes. The Legion offer nothing to the Mojave and in time, I believe it will crumble. For one, it took all the East to take the West (if Legion wins at Hoover Dam), so how could they possibly hold both frontiers. Secondly, there is no prominent figure in the Legion fit to rule, IMO. There is clear animosity between members of the Legion's higher echelons (Lanius and Vulpes being the most pertinent example) and though I wouldn't go so far to say the Legion would decline into factionalism with various blocs vying for control, I don't see how it could progress efficiently.
It's obvious that, for House, progress takes precedence over people. But there is still a great extent of freedom and the people's liberties remain largely in tact. There is no progress without people (the people are the backbone of any society IMO) and I don't think House is blind to that. In the long term, I believe the people will benefit from House's benevolent autocracy. His laissez-faire leadership style will also prove to be constructive, as people can persue their own enterprises free of taxation, which promises a stronger economy and greater living-standards in the long run. Though 'long term' is the operative phrases, here.
When it comes down to it, no one can match House's vision. He's a pre-war genius and has all the knowledge at his disposal to propel humanity forward to a brighter future. No one else has the means or ablility calculate complex algorithms as House can, which essentially allows him to predict the future and adapt accordingly to any problem which may arise. This asset should NOT be overlooked. He's not infallible, but at the same time, I simply can't see House falling victim to his own image. Let us not forget that he was comatosed for over a century as a result of his inability to handle the Lucky 38's outdated software, so it's not as if he's hasn't experienced any adversity; this reminds him that he's not some machine-god messiah, and House is well aware of that. On the other hand, Caesar is a megolamaniac (and a very petulant one at that), albeit and very intelligent one.
I read your post,
Gingy, and it really made me reconsider my stance. I find myself steadily veering toward House.

We shall see.
ADDENDUM: Aha! I totally forgot about Big Mountain! And of course those molecular-assemblers, the vending machine things. Indeed, the very concept of NEED would be eliminated. The possibilities truly are endless. And did I neglect to mention House has a freakin' army of 8ft battle robots?! The roads would be safe and Vegas would be protected from any potential invaders.