I think it would be great to have a home away from the cities, something like a Bruma style log cabin out in the snow-capped mountains or a nice lodge in the forest. It could really add to the open world experience. I know mods could probably make this happen but that would leave out console gamers and I hope it would be ncluded in the vanilla game.
Yes! Like Roland Jenseric's cabin in Oblivion. I would definetly want to live in the wilderness in Skyrim. Being a wild Lycanthrope living in the woods.
I'd like to see some options for houses out in the wilderness but not just shacks. Think more along the lines of the Morrowind great houses but with many options depending on your faction alliances etc. Hunter lodges, fighters guild fort, thieves guild hideout, all as possibilities and maybe a questline so you're involved in the construction and gathering of materials (i.e. hunter lodge, help gather wood and fight off bears and other beasts, fighters guild fort - protect supply lines, thieves guild hideout - hijack said fighters guild supply train for your own)
there were a few places you do use as a home out side of a city, (also depends if you had the NoN dlc, as you got a priory like place you could use) the first that comes to mind is the thorn hall or whatever right outside of Cheydenhall. you have to get to a certain point in the MQ and close an oblvion gate to be allowed in but you can use it for your house once you do all that.
there were a few places you do use as a home out side of a city, (also depends if you had the NoN dlc, as you got a priory like place you could use) the first that comes to mind is the thorn hall or whatever right outside of Cheydenhall. you have to get to a certain point in the MQ and close an oblvion gate to be allowed in but you can use it for your house once you do all that.
Yeah but I'm thinking about a cabin in the middle of the great forest sort of thing. I don't really want a weird knight walking robotically around my 'get away from people and sit in front of a log fire' cabin while I watch my victims remains burn. I can't have guys watching me do that I'll get arrested by the guards. :flame:
Im confused at something, did Tod Howard say we will Cook and Chop Wood in Skyrim, would that mean we will actually build our own house.
Probably not. Unless it is predetermined locations with predetermined houses. As for the OP I love the idea, I always downloaded a mod for this kind of thing.
i hope its just like morrowind again in the sense that you can just kill someone and take their home.
Wouldn't people notice, though?
"Hey Frank. Say, seen Steve lately? It's been almost a month, now."
"Actually, now that you mention it, no. But I have seen this heavily armored fellow walking in at all hours of the day. Maybe they're room-mates? Yeah. Yeah, that's it."
Yes, I've always wanted to sit in a rocking chair on my front porch of my cottage in the middle of the woods just watching the sunset or something like that.
I would love to have a house in the wilderness! It would also be cool if I could grow crops and lawn work or something. I know chopping wood is already confirmed, and that would be cool provided I can do something with the wood. Separate from the job version of chopping wood were you get gold. I wonder if you would have to do upkeep on the home. It would be cool to do a day's worth of work and then go into the local village for supplies. And while there witness a dragon you have to then slay.
Even though my idea I'm about to suggest may be too much, I'll give it anyway. Since there is woodcutting, it would be neat if the player could cut down trees into logs and build a loghouse out in the wilderness.
Even though my idea I'm about to suggest may be too much, I'll give it anyway. Since there is woodcutting, it would be neat if the player could cut down trees into logs and build a loghouse out in the wilderness.
(daventry mentioned this as well above.) While it sounds like a neat idea, I think there's way too much in between "chopping logs" and "building a log cabin" for it to be practical. It's kind of like "Collect underpants -> ? -> Profit!" That's a pretty big question mark in the middle.
(daventry mentioned this as well above.) While it sounds like a neat idea, I think there's way too much in between "chopping logs" and "building a log cabin" for it to be practical. It's kind of like "Collect underpants -> ? -> Profit!" That's a pretty big question mark in the middle.
Why not hire some nearby villagers to build it for you?
Even though my idea I'm about to suggest may be too much, I'll give it anyway. Since there is woodcutting, it would be neat if the player could cut down trees into logs and build a loghouse out in the wilderness.
True, I don't see why not. Creative placement is possible in strategy games, just supply a good number of templates and deeds. Buy a specific deed and you're given a set template of which will be built from the logs you harvest.