Ok thanks for clearing that up - House isn't working towards "true" immortality, just "functional" immortality ("works just as well"). It sort of defeats the purpose of creating a new category when you equate it with another.
Nice strawman with the "He's an abomination," "He's a freak" point. I never once made made that argument and honestly I wouldn't mind in the slightest if Joe-Shmoe from down the street achieves his own functional immortality - it's when you prop up Immortal Joe with his own autocracy with the backing of a massive robot army that I have a problem with.
Wasn't a strawman, it's just I assumed that's where this conversation was going. I've seen so much, 'he's been alive for 200 years, it's unnatural!', when that's the story of modern medicine as a whole, it extends the human life. Maybe it's just my lack of compassion, but I just don't see the
wrong' in siding with House, the only real 'wrong' things House does are when they involve one faction having pledge loyalty to NCR, and the other because it allows NCR to potentially undermine House. (Whether they WOULD or not is up for debate, but as we've seen through House's actions, he prefers to prevent the possibility, not allow it to progress and just 'wait and see'.)
Fair enough. Me personally, I find it very worrisome when one would back a man with that much power solely on his word that he'll be a good boy (I don't mean to presume your motivations but I think it's fair to say that many are going by his word.)
Well, that's all we CAN do. But House's idea of progress, which is what The Strip has become in seven years, is my idea of progress. NCR says they're progress, but their economy is crap, their troops are poorly equipped, and the current administration spreads itself to thin. Player aside, who basically plays the Deus Ex Machina for NCR if they side with them. (Which ingame I pretty much side with NCR as often as I can without doing NCR's plans for Vegas), NCR's chances of winning at the start of the game are terrible. Technically, there's even trouble for the Legion, since if you sort of 'stream together' all the playthroughs, Caesar falls to his tumor and won't survive the night. But the Legion has the strength to overcome NCR still. Yet people take NCR on faith they'll help anyone not NCR, Legion on their 'dream of changing' into an 'Empire', and House on his word he'll 'progress Vegas'. For those of us who side in House, we take his line 'Bring me the Platinum Chip, and in ten years you'll hardly recognise this city' as our main reason for siding with House.
No cause a independent Vegas has over 100 securitrons armed to the teeth with rocket launchers, grenade launchers, 9mm submachineguns, lazers and in my case, a bomber watching over the sky (boomers are just a charm), BoS patrolling the southern part of Vegas along I 15, and even though they aint part of ''my'' Vegas (just saying my Vegas in my case) they still are good allies and support me, plus Great Khans in western Vegas supplieyng the followers, Kings ''keeping order'' in freeside, Followers helping the poor, three lovely casinos (except the Ultra luxe, they give me the creeps

, and of course my two ally tribes in Zion (drugs are bad BTW mmkay)
So you see im giving them freedom and prosperity, kinda like the NCR just without taxes and with a little more freedom and anarchy. The robots can keep order. As for me being short sighted, well [censored] YOU [censored]. Dont go around dissing people cause you surely cant see the big picture of an army of highly technological armed army of robots occupieng Vegas. If i would be the leader of ''New Vegas'' (fallout Vegas sort to speak) i would easily be able to secure it with all those robots and yes man. If someone turns on me, i kill them, if the NCR or Legion come back (which i doubt since i nuked the [censored] out of them) well, lets just say i also got a few followers willing to risk their lives for me, armed to the teeth with weapons and armor from all over Vegas.
But that's why I said that, because you're apparently under the idea that YOU become the leader of Vegas, which it's been indicated is NOT the case. Look at Benny's plans, they weren't an 'independant' Vegas, they were a 'Chairman become the biggest gang' plan. All you're doing is toppling one Autocrat for another, and the moment you even slightely step on someones toes and they cry foul, would you just shrug it off? You're under the idea you can make Vegas be this that or the other which just isn't the case, because every ending for a faction has it's consequences.
House: Long term progress over people.
NCR: Slow and very bumpy progress.
Legion: Stability through brutality and an fear.
Independant: Either A. Chaotic anarchy or B. Short term progress and stability, but the long term?
To allow a player to go 'Well, we can take over....and...and....I CAN FEED THE PEOPLE WITH MY MADRE GOLD!' allows an ending with no consequences, which defies the design of New Vegas.