Consistency is for wussies. Besides, my plan for the Mojave will take the good aspects of every faction and meld them together seamlessly. The equal rights of NCR, the "you're worth isn't based on money, it's based on skill" mentality of Caesar, and House's technology all together. That one formspring post just made Independence completely worth it.
You can't just pull political theories out of your ass and expect them to work. When you make yourself a dictator, there will always be a lot of people pissed at you no matter what kind of a hero you are.
As far as Plato is concerned, a Greek man who lived over two thousand years ago in a society with no communications, very little schooling and democracy in name only, is hardly qualified to evaluate modern democracy. I would prefer quoting Winston Churchill who actually has led a democracy.
"Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."