here are the workables:
(note that others may be workable - i just don't see an easy way for them.)
- alchemy bonus when at home. alchemy penalty (or simply no bonus) when away.
with this implementation, alchemy outdoors is still allowed.
(i usually don't like limiting the player's options in my mods.
i try to always give the players more choices.
but for those choices to be meaningful, they need to be differentiated: i.e. bonuses and penalties.) - fire, hour glass, scales = alchemy bonuses that stack when in the vicinity
- armoury bonus when at home. armour penalty (or simply no bonus) when away.
- anvil, fire, forge, water, etc. in vicinity = armoury bonuses that stack when in the vicinity
- reading book at home = intelligence bonus
- sleep/eat at home = bonus
i'll actually incorporate this into my Eat and sleep mod as multipliers for gaining Energy from sleep and Satiation from food.
but "out of the box", i'll add a fatigue fortify for sleeping at home. - clothing change at home = personaltiy bonus
i'll also incorporate this into my Clothing matters mod.
but "out of the box", i'll add a personality fortify if the equipped apparel were donned at home.
so i'm thinking:
- 1 hour or less of in-game time reading = 24 hours of intelligence bonus
- 8 hours of sleep at home = 24 hours of fatigue bonus
- personality foritfy for 24 hours WHILE the apparel is worn
there is always a huge penalty by going home: time and distance of having to travel to and from home.
so i think the effects of these bonuses need to balance against that.
i think a large bonus (i.e. +25 for a full day) makes adventuring from home very appealing.
and for the normal vagabond (at home only every so often and only when home is actually "on the way"),
it'll be "business as usual" and they will be "none the wiser": no bonuses (which is as per the normal game).