houses & owning buildings in skyrim

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:01 pm

I hope they have a mountain top castle included on the disk when the game launches. I would love to have a giant castle with its own wizards tower and maybe some secret passages going down into the mountain. Its a fantasy RPG and I have to have an internet connection and pay extra to have my own castle = LAME! I hated that about TES4.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:13 am

It would also be AMAZING if there is more than just one house in each city to buy. There should be a cheap shack, a medium sized home and a grand lavish manor. You could buy all three and rent out two of them for cash. I don't think it should be quite like fable where you can buy everything, but if I can buy a house, I should atleast be able to sell it or rent it out. I would also love it if I could maybe become a mayor or whatever the title is of one of the cities. I'm a dragon born, royal blood. Why can't I have a city to rule...just one, maybe when you beat the main quest.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:14 pm

May the gods have mercy on Bethesda's soul if there isn't a wizard tower! THERE BETTER BE!

same but may god also have mercy on bethesdas soul if they do not add a necromancer lair and better themed
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:48 am

A lot of people (me included) like that idea in fable but don't like it here. It would be way too easy to get an unbelievably high amount of cash very easily and many people don't want it to be that easy.

Well... getting an unbelievably high amount of cash in TES games has never been hard. In Oblivion for example, there just wasn't anything to spend money on after the first couple hours and it just sits there accumulating. So to say we shouldn't be able to buy every single piece of property and rent them out because it might be too easy to make moneydoing it, doesn't make sense to me since its ALWAYS been too easy to make money. That would just give us a new way to do it that isn't a mindless kill/loot/sell/repeat fest. Besides, regulating how much money the player is making from the system wouldn't be hard. Houses could be very expensive, rent income could be low, and hell... the player could even have to pay taxes on their property (if you don't pay, you lose it), leaving little room for profit.

But hey, lets face it... if you can afford to buy all sorts of property to rent out in the game, you already have way too much money. At least you would be able to spend it on something.
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The Time Car
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:18 pm

If there's a nice, cozy Nordic house (not too luxurious, not too shabby) isolated in the middle of the mountains, but not too far from any village (I'll have to trade and buy supplies, isn't it?), I'm already happy.

And if not, I'll create one with the Creation Kit :)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:48 am

I think there's a lot of fun ways to expand on this idea. I think it would be amazing to actually be able to build your house and design it. You could have the ability to build it anywhere in Skyrim. I'm not sure how elaborately detailed house building and designing would be, but it definitely could be implemented.

Starting to sound like Elder Sims...
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:23 pm

Starting to sound like Elder Sims...

Dont be silly.
People like to do things like that,the more things we can do to immerse ourselves in the game ( especially when we've done the main quest etc ) the better.
All this stuff is no different than people doing mods ,that lets us set bed rolls to camp etc ( which tod howard said he liked actually ).
People like to roleplay in many ways......all this kind of stuff keeps us playing the game longer too.....where is the harm in that.
So unless you can explain properly,dont add silly comments
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JD bernal
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:05 am

If these cities are massive like they say, I'm hoping that you get to choose which house you want in a given city, kind of like Daggerfall. small, decent size, big, really big, etc.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:59 pm

There should also be outhouses and water buckets where you can wash up.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:08 pm

One thing I would love to have is the ability to actually light my fireplace... The grate is just sat there, full of logs. All I can do is paw ineffectively at it with my flaming hands of Destruction magicka that can put down a Minotaur, but not light a log. :(


In Obl, if my house didnt have a fire in the fireplace, (which amazingly the house in snowy Bruma of all places didnt :facepalm: ) Id just arrange a bunch of torches in there.

Not the same but better than nothing.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:55 pm

Elder Sims... hahah... hey, I wouldn't complain :)

One of the best things about TES is the ability to play the game however you want to play the game. That's the beauty of TES. In that light, the more RP options the better.

Me, I want to get immersed into Skyrim. If I start the game and want to do nothing more that to make a home in the first town I find, I'd like the option to do that. If crafting has any significant place in the world, I don't see why I couldn't own a Smithy and make some coin selling weapons and armor to the NPCs.... assuming I could gain skill doing such things and people would actually want to buy my wares. Maybe I'd also want to go out searching for more rare resources to make better, more pricier weapons to sell. Along those lines of a shop owner, I'd have to pay someone to man the counter, pay some form of property tax, deal with break-ins, could join some kind of shopkeepers guild, whatever anyone else can think of. If I pretty much want to live and NPC's life, if that's how I want to roleplay it, I think the mechanic should be in there. Would it be a bad thing to offer more RP options, more ways to play the game? I think not.

When it comes to houses, I hope there will be a variety, along with the ability to change a house you have. I think back to my stronghold in Morrowind. At first it was a simple 1-level house. I forget what had to be done for expansion, but it progressed to a 2nd level, an additional bunk house or two, walls around the property, etc. It was fun watching the transformation :)

Being able to customize by moving things around inside would also be nice, as would many "themes" to pick from. It's really too bad that houses probably are celled off again, though. If nothing else, I would just like to see something out of my windows. Not necessarily real-time NPC movement (although that would be great), but at least weather effects. So if it was snowing when you entered your house, then you could at least see snow falling and whipping around outside your window. Anything that wouldn't make me feel so closed off and disconnected from a world I'm trying to be immersed into. That was one reason why being inside my house was so boring in past ES games. It was a completely lifeless environment.

Houses aren't exactly sound proof, so another good feature would be the ability to hear things going on outside to some degree. When I'm in my real house here, I can hear faint barking of dogs, birds, cars going by, wind, thunder, rain pattering on the roof, people conversing if they're somewhat close, etc. I know there's life out there, even if I'm not looking for it out of a window. Being inside your house in Skyrim should be like that. Even if there's just a generic soundtrack playing, dependent on where your house is located. I just want to read a book, glance up and and see/hear the snow blustering around my window, and faintly hear some distant pack of howling coyotes. Anything that would make me believe that my house is indeed located in Skyrim, and that my door isn't some portal that transports me to some distant plane of existence that contains a single house on some planet on the other side of the galaxy. Immersion, my friends.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:06 am

Elder Sims... hahah... hey, I wouldn't complain :)

One of the best things about TES is the ability to play the game however you want to play the game. That's the beauty of TES. In that light, the more RP options the better.

Me, I want to get immersed into Skyrim. If I start the game and want to do nothing more that to make a home in the first town I find, I'd like the option to do that. If crafting has any significant place in the world, I don't see why I couldn't own a Smithy and make some coin selling weapons and armor to the NPCs.... assuming I could gain skill doing such things and people would actually want to buy my wares. Maybe I'd also want to go out searching for more rare resources to make better, more pricier weapons to sell. Along those lines of a shop owner, I'd have to pay someone to man the counter, pay some form of property tax, deal with break-ins, could join some kind of shopkeepers guild, whatever anyone else can think of. If I pretty much want to live and NPC's life, if that's how I want to roleplay it, I think the mechanic should be in there. Would it be a bad thing to offer more RP options, more ways to play the game? I think not.

My thoughts exactly.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:03 pm

I want the interior of ALL houses to not be separate entities from the city/town. This way i can assassinate my target in one house from the roof of the house next door with my bow and arrow... when he walks by a window.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:31 am

I wish that Dave Hoffman was calling the shots at I'm sad because all the great ideas he mentioned will not be in the game.
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Quick Draw
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:52 pm

Houses? No... Strongholds! That′s the ticket!

I want to have a fortified place ala Odai Plateau. That was the ultimate mini compound, especially when I used command humanoid to brind in all my peeps. Rethan Manor ended up becoming a central hub for me in Morrowind. OMG, I just drooled on my shirt.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:51 pm

Houses should be expensive. They were too cheap in Oblivion.

A convenient way of organizing them would be great but maybe a bit much to ask for.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:12 pm

I would like to be able to own seveal houses in onne town/city, I want to also be able to claim a stronghold, castle or a wizards towers or better yet I want all three things, it would also be nice to buy shops and set up what your stores upkeep is like the goods they buy and what price and then set how much they sell it for.

I would like to buy furnishing sets for your house, it would be good if middle/high class item were alot more expensive I would like to be able to move funiture around if not piece by piece move around a general furniture suit.

I would easily like to set items around where I want them to be at, I wound like it to be easy to set up items in item cases, I would like the option to easily stack things like cloths and plates.

I would like to custumize and outfit my house in any way I want that is unique to that one character that I am playing as.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:37 am

Definitely have at least one house in the 5 major cities.

Depending on how far you are with a particular faction they may give you a house (Yes I'm Borrowing this idea from New Vegas)

If a particular NPC likes you enough they may allow you to live in their house.

Better ways to tell if a Container is a respawn or a nonrespawn.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:12 am

My only gripe was that some of the houses were too dark inside. The house in Anvil for instance had some really dark rooms. I don't want to have to walk around holding a torch again. Bring back Morrowind's movable light sources.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:40 pm

My only gripe was that some of the houses were too dark inside. The house in Anvil for instance had some really dark rooms. I don't want to have to walk around holding a torch again. Bring back Morrowind's movable light sources.

I forgot about that! :facepalm: They should add this back in! I am in a hundred and ten percent agreement with you!
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:04 am

I want custom placement of furniture and decorations. And umm taxes. Also having to pay my servants.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:28 am

Having to pay taxes is a great idea. :thumbsup:
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:36 pm

I dont think we will get to pick furniture----I think it will be like the previous games--just buy "room" upgrades and stuff, which I'm mostly fine with.

I agree with everyone, you should be able to move all/most objects. I hate non-actor props that are just glued to the floor and unable to react to physics. Most games are past that stage, I hope Skyrim will follow the trend, having already set the bar so high.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:12 pm

Said this in another thread... you should be able to build your own house pretty much wherever you want. I'm not talking about a palatial estate or anything, just a decent sized house or cabin.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:00 pm

Yeah, barter for the price would be cool, and of course if it's in a city I'd love to see taxes. Gotta pay the guards right?

But more than that I'd like to see each home have a bit more of a unique theme. One could be "the farm" home, with fields you can gather from and a dog/wolf that hangs around and guards the place. A (tax free) thief/assassin hideout in the middle of the biggest city with a secret entrance that the AI won't be able to find unless they see you entering (Quick escape from the guards). A super costly castle/manor with it's own servants/guards/ etc.
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