Elder Sims... hahah... hey, I wouldn't complain
One of the best things about TES is the ability to play the game however you want to play the game. That's the beauty of TES. In that light, the more RP options the better.
Me, I want to get immersed into Skyrim. If I start the game and want to do nothing more that to make a home in the first town I find, I'd like the option to do that. If crafting has any significant place in the world, I don't see why I couldn't own a Smithy and make some coin selling weapons and armor to the NPCs.... assuming I could gain skill doing such things and people would actually want to buy my wares. Maybe I'd also want to go out searching for more rare resources to make better, more pricier weapons to sell. Along those lines of a shop owner, I'd have to pay someone to man the counter, pay some form of property tax, deal with break-ins, could join some kind of shopkeepers guild, whatever anyone else can think of. If I pretty much want to live and NPC's life, if that's how I want to roleplay it, I think the mechanic should be in there. Would it be a bad thing to offer more RP options, more ways to play the game? I think not.
When it comes to houses, I hope there will be a variety, along with the ability to change a house you have. I think back to my stronghold in Morrowind. At first it was a simple 1-level house. I forget what had to be done for expansion, but it progressed to a 2nd level, an additional bunk house or two, walls around the property, etc. It was fun watching the transformation
Being able to customize by moving things around inside would also be nice, as would many "themes" to pick from. It's really too bad that houses probably are celled off again, though. If nothing else, I would just like to see
something out of my windows. Not necessarily real-time NPC movement (although that would be great), but at least weather effects. So if it was snowing when you entered your house, then you could at least see snow falling and whipping around outside your window. Anything that wouldn't make me feel so closed off and disconnected from a world I'm trying to be immersed into. That was one reason why being inside my house was so boring in past ES games. It was a completely lifeless environment.
Houses aren't exactly sound proof, so another good feature would be the ability to hear things going on outside to some degree. When I'm in my real house here, I can hear faint barking of dogs, birds, cars going by, wind, thunder, rain pattering on the roof, people conversing if they're somewhat close, etc. I know there's life out there, even if I'm not looking for it out of a window. Being inside your house in Skyrim should be like that. Even if there's just a generic soundtrack playing, dependent on where your house is located. I just want to read a book, glance up and and see/hear the snow blustering around my window, and faintly hear some distant pack of howling coyotes. Anything that would make me believe that my house is indeed located in Skyrim, and that my door isn't some portal that transports me to some distant plane of existence that contains a single house on some planet on the other side of the galaxy. Immersion, my friends.