houses & owning buildings in skyrim

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:51 am

There is no doubt that we will be able to buy houses in skyrim.
But i would like to know peoples ideas on how to make houses more interesting.
Also should we be able to buy buildings: farms,inn's,shops etc.

I would like when buying an house:
To be able to barter the price.
We should be able to pick our own style of furniture & etc.
Not like in oblivion where it was chosen for you.
I would like the choice to cook in my house.
Chose whether to have candels lit,same with the fire.
Choose where to put my furniture,pictures and other items.
Also have someone make stuffed animals to put in there ( like there was with "the fighters stronghold DLC )

I know skyrim has a story and so forth,but this is clearly for roleplaying alot of us like to do....either before the main quest,after,or not do it at all.
Anyway,do you think we should be able to buy buildings/maybe land too....farms,shops,inns etc,stables all i said great for roleplaying a different life in skyrim.
or should we just be able to invest in shops like in oblivion?...but obviously invest alot more coin than 500 septims,which i think was max in oblivion.
Anyway i would like to hear peoples opinions on this :)

Would it not be epic to own a house carved into the mountains.....near a waterfall......oh...boy....I like it alot!
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:37 pm

There is no doubt that we will be able to buy houses in skyrim.
But i would like to know peoples ideas on how to make houses more interesting.
Also should we be able to buy buildings: farms,inn's,shops etc.

I would like when buying an house:
To be able to barter the price.
We should be able to pick our own style of furniture & etc.
Not like in oblivion where it was chosen for you.
I would like the choice to cook in my house.
Chose whether to have candels lit,same with the fire.
Choose where to put my furniture,pictures and other items.
Also have someone make stuffed animals to put in there ( like there was with "the fighters stronghold DLC )

I know skyrim has a story and so forth,but this is clearly for roleplaying alot of us like to do....either before the main quest,after,or not do it at all.
Anyway,do you think we should be able to buy buildings/maybe land too....farms,shops,inns etc,stables all i said great for roleplaying a different life in skyrim.
or should we just be able to invest in shops like in oblivion?...but obviously invest alot more coin than 500 septims,which i think was max in oblivion.
Anyway i would like to hear peoples opinions on this :)
As stupid as it sounds, I want Saints Row 2 Style house customization. Obviously TES themed, though I'm not a fuc*ing [censored].
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:38 am

May the gods have mercy on Bethesda's soul if there isn't a wizard tower! THERE BETTER BE!
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:19 am

I hope that we have the option to rearrange furniture. Also hope it's made easier to place small items like potions and books.
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:02 pm

I hope that we have the option to rearrange furniture. Also hope it's made easier to place small items like potions and books.

Yeah placing items was a nightmare,especially for console users,i'm sure PC users had a way around that....lucky buggers :)
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:51 am

Houses? No... Strongholds! That′s the ticket!
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:51 pm

Only thing i want about house is, just sit near my window and watch the snow falling. But seeing Morrowind and Oblivion loading screen when you get in quess not possible :x
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:25 am

One thing I would love to have is the ability to actually light my fireplace... The grate is just sat there, full of logs. All I can do is paw ineffectively at it with my flaming hands of Destruction magicka that can put down a Minotaur, but not light a log. :(

On a different note, I would like the ability to properly allign books on bookshelves to come with the stock game. That would make my life so much easier. Also, in a similar vein, maybe shelves could be selected, and trophies that are stored inside could be 'displayed' externally. So rather than storing them in a container, it would just be an easy method of arranging your display armour, weapons, etc, without having to resort to painstakingly picking them up and nudging them back and forward to try and get the angle right.

More customisation on the interior would be good too. Either have the ability to pick individual pieces of furniture, or allow the player to pick a theme, as in Fallout. Actually, scratch that. If individual furnishings can't be picked, there should be a synthesis of Oblivion and Fallout's system: you can pick themed areas. So, like, as an example - "Rural Lower Seating Area," "Natural Lower Seating Area," Urban Lower Seating Area," "Refined Lower Sitting Area" and "Extravagant Lower Sitting Area", maybe? So that would be ranging from cheapest to most expensive.

I'd like for there to be a wide variety of properties too. Needs to be a balance though. If the stock game comes with lots of houses, the player will buy them all. It's neat being a property magnate, and was cool in Fable... But Fable is Fable, and being the landlord of Skyrim doesn't really suit the Elder Scrolls. That would feel extrinsically wrong. So... A middle ground between too few houses and too many houses, methinks.
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Saul C
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:17 am

I think there's a lot of fun ways to expand on this idea. I think it would be amazing to actually be able to build your house and design it. You could have the ability to build it anywhere in Skyrim. I'm not sure how elaborately detailed house building and designing would be, but it definitely could be implemented.
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Big Homie
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:30 am

May the gods have mercy on Bethesda's soul if there isn't a wizard tower! THERE BETTER BE!

Hear, hear! And one that you can "theme" in several ways:

- dark/evil: skeletons, blood, darkness, sacrificial altar, bars, dungeon, bats etc..
- elemental: prettys much says it all
- alternative to elemental; druid.
- light mage: well, light, clean, blue rugs,..... bah! I only want my Tower of darkness!
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:28 am

Anything that makes me feel more like a real person, really. Make it a little homely, the way I would like my house to look. I doubt it will be in there, but with the feature to mold weapons and armors (probably from some preset templates found in-game) I would like the same for houses. Why shouldn't you be able to commission the construction of a house?

Go to the carpenter/bricklayer or whomever it would be appropriate to see, look at different templates and materials, and order your house! Then visit the local count or whatever they're called now and buy a piece of land to put your house on.

And then be able to decorate by hanging the bear hides you've collected, stuffed Mammoth in the front yard you just killed, giant tusks on the walls etc.

Hellz yeah!
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:55 am

Just do it like it was done in Oblivion with the added freedom to rearrange the interior.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:15 am

One thing I would love to have is the ability to actually light my fireplace... The grate is just sat there, full of logs. All I can do is paw ineffectively at it with my flaming hands of Destruction magicka that can put down a Minotaur, but not light a log. :(

On a different note, I would like the ability to properly allign books on bookshelves to come with the stock game. That would make my life so much easier. Also, in a similar vein, maybe shelves could be selected, and trophies that are stored inside could be 'displayed' externally. So rather than storing them in a container, it would just be an easy method of arranging your display armour, weapons, etc, without having to resort to painstakingly picking them up and nudging them back and forward to try and get the angle right.

More customisation on the interior would be good too. Either have the ability to pick individual pieces of furniture, or allow the player to pick a theme, as in Fallout. Actually, scratch that. If individual furnishings can't be picked, there should be a synthesis of Oblivion and Fallout's system: you can pick themed areas. So, like, as an example - "Rural Lower Seating Area," "Natural Lower Seating Area," Urban Lower Seating Area," "Refined Lower Sitting Area" and "Extravagant Lower Sitting Area", maybe? So that would be ranging from cheapest to most expensive.

I'd like for there to be a wide variety of properties too. Needs to be a balance though. If the stock game comes with lots of houses, the player will buy them all. It's neat being a property magnate, and was cool in Fable... But Fable is Fable, and being the landlord of Skyrim doesn't really suit the Elder Scrolls. That would feel extrinsically wrong. So... A middle ground between too few houses and too many houses, methinks.

I understand why you say not owing shops is'nt TES in a way.
But i put that option there for people who have played the main quest and would like to just roleplay anyone they want,doing whatever they me that is TES too,but i can see where your coming from.
Put it this way,once you've achevied most goals in skyrim....its something allows to play a different way....and i could see this being a mod.....people would use it.
Just my view :)
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:12 pm

Books that stay on bookshelves, lit fires, and chests that don't wipe your ebony armour out of existence, because it had to go in the chest, because there were no armour stands, and Havok proof display cases. Not a great deal of stuff to ask for. I once got so annoyed about the empty fire, I filled the Bruma house grate with all the flawed gems I'd found, hoping it would look like one of those cheesy electric fires with the plastic coal, decided it didn't, cast enemies explode and moved to Skingrad.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:29 pm

I don't think we really need anything as far as house placement more complex than oblivion but as far as furniture placement what they could do is let you buy individual pieces of furniture and each one would basically have a clone in the creation kit. One would have the basic havok physics so you could push it around and put it where you like and then when you activate it, the game automatically gets the exact coordinates and replaces it with the real item that doesn't move but can be interacted with like display cases, beds, chairs and containers. This would actually be very easy to implement.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:49 am

Also.... i dont remember seeing bathrooms in oblivion at all....i would like that too.
Ok maybe not to interact with the items there,but you know.....just for immersion.
Man i cant get the image of house carved in the mountains,near a waterfall out of my head.....aaahhhhhhh.....bliss.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:58 pm

A wide range of options from small cottages to mansions and castles would be nice. The main thing for me is item/furniture placement. I want to be able to set up a library room, alchemy room, smithy, bedroom, kitchen etc.

I know I want at least a library, but having books spread around the house would be annoying (when I'm aiming to have one of every title in the game).
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Ben sutton
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:38 am

I understand why you say not owing shops is'nt TES in a way.
But i put that option there for people who have played the main quest and would like to just roleplay anyone they want,doing whatever they me that is TES too,but i can see where your coming from.
Put it this way,once you've achevied most goals in skyrim....its something allows to play a different way....and i could see this being a mod.....people would use it.
Just my view :)

Oh no, I agree with owning shops and houses. Just not too many of them. When you have a monopoly over the entire game world, you know there's a problem. If the houses you own are not outnumbered by the houses you don't by 15:1 in an Elders Scrolls game, there's probably a problem.

Owning shops would be pretty cool. I'd like for maybe quests to be attached to them for ownership, so it wouldn't be a matter as simple as just turning up and offering a load of cash.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:33 pm

I think being able to select style of furnishings (of course, paying more for middle class furniture than for lower class) would add a lot to house usability. If you had had the option to furnish the IC shack to make it seem like a beach cottage, rather than having it filled with dirty rugs, I suspect many more characters would actually have spent time there.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:47 pm

I think it'd be cool if the player could own property similar to the Fable series. One could buy inns, shops, etc... and rent them out as an additional source of income. I also think all property purchases and management (e.g. adjusting the rent, renovation, etc.) should be centralized into something like the Office of Imperial Commerce (found in Oblivion). Rather than going to the Duke, Duchess, etc... of each town to purchase homes and such, one would visit one of these offices. There would be multiple throughout Skyrim, each located in a major city and responsible for the surrounding areas. Also rather than a static list of property available to the player, homes and such would constantly be coming on and off the market. Say some NPC dies and has no relatives to inherit the home he had owned. Then that home would be put up for sale and made available for the player to purchase. Vice versa homes listed for sale in an Office of Commerce could be purchased by NPC's thus making them no longer available to the player.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:44 pm

Man i cant get the image of house carved in the mountains,near a waterfall out of my head.....aaahhhhhhh.....bliss.

I hear ya! I used this mod for Oblivion and it was AWESOME!
I have a feeling I'll just be using another mod house in Skyrim too.
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gemma king
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:07 pm

Fallout 3 had a similar system to SR2 and hopefully they take cue from it to at least give us options. Buying businesses sounds like it fits in a mob game rather than a fantasy game. On the other hand something does need to be done a about the "investing" option that was in Oblivion. It was nearly pointless and didnt feel like a real investment.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:21 pm

I think it'd be cool if the player could own property similar to the Fable series. One could buy inns, shops, etc... and rent them out as an additional source of income. I also think all property purchases and management (e.g. adjusting the rent, renovation, etc.) should be centralized into something like the Office of Imperial Commerce (found in Oblivion). Rather than going to the Duke, Duchess, etc... of each town to purchase homes and such, one would visit one of these offices. There would be multiple throughout Skyrim, each located in a major city and responsible for the surrounding areas. Also rather than a static list of property available to the player, homes and such would constantly be coming on and off the market. Say some NPC dies and has no relatives to inherit the home he had owned. Then that home would be put up for sale and made available for the player to purchase. Vice versa homes listed for sale in an Office of Commerce could be purchased by NPC's thus making them no longer available to the player.

A lot of people (me included) like that idea in fable but don't like it here. It would be way too easy to get an unbelievably high amount of cash very easily and many people don't want it to be that easy.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:29 am

A lot of people (me included) like that idea in fable but don't like it here. It would be way too easy to get an unbelievably high amount of cash very easily and many people don't want it to be that easy.

True, if Bethesda implemented it the same way as Fable, that would be the case. In Fable every single property was available to the player for purchase. Rather than Bethesda taking that approach in Skyrim, I think there should only be a handful of properties up for sale at any given time. A home here, a shop there. You get the idea. Coupling this with relatively hefty property prices and renters not having to pay very often would effectively prevent players from abusing the system yet also provide them with an opportunity to make a little extra money.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:14 pm

I for one will make my house in the KIT :)

and since cooking and farming are in I will make an awesome kitchen and a huge garden :P
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