Would it be safe to assume that Houses were large families (the minor Houses), and the Great Houses began as minor Houses but have since expanded by adopting other families and gaining political foothold due to their size and influence? Also, is it known whether Nerevar founded Indoril, or was merely the leader at the time? If he was just the leader, it would explain why he uses the name "Indoril" in front of his given name, similar to important members of Hlaalu (Hlaalu Helseth etc). The usage of a house's name in one's own name would also explain Sotha Sil. Perhaps he was merely "Sil" before his importance as a member of House Sotha.
By that assumption, Voryn could have founded his House, his name being "Voryn Dagoth" as opposed to "Dagoth Voryn".
I don't know much about the Chimeri political structure, so could someone offer any answers to these questions, and perhaps some texts explaining a bit about First Era Great Houses?