I would like to choose how I want it to look like.
Like the positioning of the rooms, if it is to have 1 level or 2, if it going to have a basemant or an attic and also where I would like the furnitures to stand.
That or at least to have a small number of ready choices/themes to choose from or to be able to upgrade a small house/estate with a variety of choices.
There should be a house you could place ANYWHERE in the world(except near dungeons&rocky terrain) and upgrade it into castle, some magical stuff thing, or a small Village, with you the chief of course.
It would definitely be great to built and customize as you wished and later be able to upgrade and expand..
but that would be a hell of a lot of work for the guys working on the game.. but 5-10 pre-decided locations to build, customize and upgrade a personal house for your character perhaps ^_^
You didn't have any choices in Morrowind's at all and you could only really have one house (stronghold of your great house) in Morrowind. What do you keep praising that for? We need a practical system that actually functions in Skyrim, not praise for a system that was nothing great and forced a person into a political faction just to be able to obtain an actual house.
True, in Morrowind you couldn't buy a house (besides the Great House Stronghold if you joined on of the Great Houses..) BUT if you had the expansion Bloodmoon, you would be able to "build" a house in Ravenrock on Solstheim after doing a series of quests (and you got to choose from three sites were you wanted it in Ravenrock..).