No real "main quest", but just a virtually endless possibility of choices lie ahead. Are you going to grow up (think fallout 3 "grow up") and become a trader? (minimal weapon skills, but high speech/barter/charisma, the ability to talk your way out of anything, or hire people that can help when talking isn't enough)
Will you just be a wasteland explorer, going from settlement to settlement, marking places on your map, and then selling those locations?
will you be a ruthless mercenary, doing whatever pays best? maybe you'll be just a raider, starting low at first, picking on helpless wasteland wanderers, untill you can find a gang, eventually working your way up to be one of the wastelands most feared raiders?
How about aspire for greatness? Maybe become a higher up in the BoS?
Or maybe become a supermutant, or ghoul?
Whatever you chose, the story would follow that path. The quests would come to you based on how you play. for instance, you could play an entire game without having to kill anyone. If you're a trader, you just have your hired guns do all the killing, and your quests would include things like take [package/goods] to [town], or sell [item] to [x] people, or even things like help [settlement] get their feet off the ground by scrounging up [resources]. Eventually you could become a renowned trader, possibly one of the richest men in the wastes, everyone comes to you for money. maybe even start your own settlement (like that guy in the Prince of Persia movie). There would also be a threat of raiders trying to jump you, or knock you out and steal from you (an "unconscious" status would be in effect) or even selling you into slavery.
Or you say if you chose to be a raider. Life is tough in the wastes. You gotta work hard for respect. At first it would be simple, scavving in the wastes for food, water. Killing traders, caravans, even other raiders for food/supplies. Then eventually quests would come along to either get innitiated into a gang, or start one of your own, which would involve having to "break a few eggs". Eventually, your gang would grow, and you'd have quests to start raiding small settlements to feed/supply everyone in the gang. Maybe even have a raiding schedule, once a week. Maybe even arrange a trade off. "your town gives us 1000 caps, and [food/supplies] and we leave you alone." towns could hire mercenaries, which would cause new problems. eventually you'd be a kingpin, and have all new problems to deal with...
basically, You would literally have to live your life as though you were a part of the wastes. With all the threats and freedoms of such a life. there would be devious NPC's, and theifs, backstabbers, liars, etc.
It would be a lot of work, and I don't know how popular it would be, but I would really like a more "sandbox" Fallout game, where you actually have to fight for your life, and your belongings. as it is now, the only loss you ever have to suffer is your death. You'll never get lied to, you'll never get betrayed, and you'll never ever lose any items to thieves. I just want a little more realism in the game

Even if there IS a main story, I'd like to be able to play the game however I want. As it stands, you HAVE to fight, and you can't really just be a raider. I understand not everyone wants to play a sim, and would rather have the rather unrealistic (but fun) style we have now.
Who's to say there can't be a happy medium though? I mean, honestly, I'd be happy if the next fallout game just had more threats than to your life. I really want enemy pickpockets (your chance of detecting them would be based on your perception, the enemy's sneak skill, and what they were trying to steal). And there would always be a way to get your items back. track down the thief, talk him out of the stuff/kill him/steal your stuff back, etc. or even if you get taken by slavers, you can break out, maybe use some kind of affiliation with a gang/faction to help you get out, and on your way out, open a container and get all your items back. etc. But I love it when games have unexpected events. maybe make it an option for like, a hardcoe mode or something?
Anyway, I've dragged on enough, you guys get the jist of what I'm saying. So what do you think? would you play a game that was Fallout, but with a bit more "reality" in it?