I can't be the only one?
I can't be the only one?
a bit not lore, so do not expect in first two years, but more likely when game goes to decadence stage. I always wanted argonian mount, but that will never happen.
*jumps on SquattingTurtle's back*
NOPE! C'mon speedy, work it!
I think perhaps the most lore friendly alternative would be a pet guar you could ride. Something people have been asking for since Morrowind.
Lol go play Rift if you want a turtle mount OP
Turtle mount is nice as long as it gives you +1000 armor and it walks slow like real turtles do.
Lets keep it realistic. Flying obsidian statues will do!
ugh lol, I don't know about a mount but wouldn't mind a little companion pet like the mudcrab.
No. Absolutely not! Horses are the masterrace of mounts!
Since we are not worrying about the lore anymore, how about a chocobo?
Instantly thought about Pirates of the Caribbean "Sea Turtles Mate"
u serious ? this is not wow with funny mounts as helicopter or you having 2meter big shoulders......this is ELDER SCROLLS franchize man, wake up
To be fair there have been stories of mudcrabs the size of buildings in TES lore, so there are quite ridiculous things in TES as well.
Well, if I were an Argonian pirate I would expect that instead of a ship we would have a giant fortress sea turtle that we would build fortifications on and raid coastal towns. We would have devices that would launch Argonians into the sea like torpedoes and speed them onto the beach for an all out assault.
I don't need 200 mounts, but also not only one. There is more than black and white, so I hope some more mounts will be added in future patches, just to have bit variety.