How absolute is the anti-cheat going to be?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:53 am

There are still a good amount of hackers online, although not as crazy as a few weeks ago.

It's normal for any MP game to have hackers, but what aggravates me is when those hackers dominate the top of the leaderboards, while it is very obvious that they are cheating. But what aggravates me even more is when I know some of the hackers could be pirates, people that don't even deserve to play the game, on top of their cheating.

The killcam can be laggy, but it is still quite accurate in terms of where the player is pointing his gun. I've caught several no recoil hackers that way, one was using rapid fire on a SCARAB, and his aim stayed perfectly flat in full auto, while my threat tracer were all showing perfect horizontally lined up shot traces. The next game that same guy was aimbotting, which is even more obvious especially when you see him snap and shoot you in the head when you are cloaked and behind 2 windows.

To be honest though, if the killcam was off, I would've just thought he had really good aim and recoil control. While I am surprised that he was brave enough to play in killcam servers with aimbot, I wonder how many other people he has taken advantage of in servers where killcam was off, and nobody suspected anything of him.

He was maxed out at level 50 with 12 on all three suit modules. And because he does not go berserk with his hacks, I wonder if he will still be banned eventually. I really do hope the finished product of Crytek's anti-cheat can effectively catch hackers, especially ones that are "sneak" hacking here and there, those are the worst because they cheat people out of being able to enjoy the game while they are not man enough to stand up for their cheating like the fly hackers and the "mini-nuke" hackers. I prefer to call them f**king pu**ies.
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An Lor
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:59 pm

I so much understand how u feel! A few weeks ago i wanted to go to the shop and get my money back, because i couldnt enjoy 1 f*kcing game without a hacker...its much better now, but there are still some little grits that, as u nicely said, "sneak-hack"! These are the mose annoying for me because they bind their hacks to keys...meaning when he starts shooting at me hes "clean" and then he hits his key for his bot or whatever and thats the 1 bullet that hits for 100%...without the killcams and the spectating i would honestly delete the game and crack the cd, because it would deprimate me how "good" some "players" are.

i still see ppl beeing cloaked all the time though, i was wandering if it wouldnt be possible to just kick or ban some1 if he shoots more than 5 bullets outta stealth or somefin like that ^^ anyway, just wanted to type some and agree 2 u

sry for my english
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:35 am

i think crytek doing amazing job with anti cheat fix. they completely stop all the hackers and ban them all and they cant even get onto any server anymore. multiplayer is amazing now that everyone is playing fair i am have so much fun i cant stop playing it is so much better than cod or bf3.
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:05 am

i think crytek doing amazing job with anti cheat fix. they completely stop all the hackers and ban them all and they cant even get onto any server anymore. multiplayer is amazing now that everyone is playing fair i am have so much fun i cant stop playing it is so much better than cod or bf3.

o.O I believe there are still hackers out there. WE could only hope that Crytek's next anti-cheat works this time.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:33 pm

He is a troll. Ignore him.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:02 am

I'm proud to say I've played with Biebers online, hey you gotta admit not all his posts are trolling. :)
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m Gardner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:37 am

Whos Biebers?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:20 am

Someone with a stupid name which is easy to recognise around the forums. :P
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:16 am

biggest troll lol
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:29 am

The anti-cheat is doing something certainly. At one point I couldnt even find a hacker-free game but now I come across them rarely. The only one ive encountered in the past few days was someone who modified his damage values. He was dropping me with his SCARAB in 2-3 shots while I was in Armor at full health on multiple occasions. I put it down to lag or the game just being its usual messed up self but the next game he one shot killed me 4 times with a Nova which confirmed my suspicions.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:22 am

Hacking is pretty normal on PC but games like this and cod are a little bit of a joke. Games like battlefield that use punkbuster, even though a lot of servers switch it off or don't configure/update it properly it's nice when you actually see so & so banned for this multihack or this config.

You do get the real idea of how many use these hacks also, it's not just the obvious aimbotter or wallhack stuff like recoil hacks are very popular and hard to make out even in a game with a killcam. This is where the vote kick of crysis 2 will probably fail as the not so obvious recoil hackers wont be spotted easily.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:39 am

If you don't notice those "small time" hackers, what do you care?

I say let them hack, as long as it does not involve me raging and going back to Bad Company 2.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:44 am

This is where the vote kick of crysis 2 will probably fail as the not so obvious recoil hackers wont be spotted easily.

No it's easy to see who the hackers are. They're the ones who game after game have scores of 25-2, 23-3, 21-2, etc etc.

I was playing on a German server the other day and there were 2 or 3 guys from one clan who were dominating the scoreboard. Someone from my team messaged in chat for them to cut out the hacks. They just replied that "you may as well hop on board".

Welp, reminds me why I quit multiplayer FPS's all those years ago. I won't let the door hit me on the way out.
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