How to access pipboy while wearing power armor?
One thing I notice on the video is I didn't see the pipboy visible outside the power armor like in previous game,its actually inside the power armor.
How to access pipboy while wearing power armor?
One thing I notice on the video is I didn't see the pipboy visible outside the power armor like in previous game,its actually inside the power armor.
You need to buy the pip-boy edition for that (ducks)
Logical, though from a realistic standpoint, it may be disabled while in Power Armor, considering Power Armor now functions as a mobile attack platform that you don't "equip", you climb into. You're not gonna stim up or change your clothes or equipped weapons surrounded by that much metal...though a Stim Injection system upgrade I can foresee.
On xbox one: press the b button same as always I would guess.
It'd be cool if the Pip-Boy could interface with the Power Armor. IIRC the Lone Wanderer only got to use the simulation in Anchorage because of his Pip-Boy so it was definitely gubment standard issue.
Yeah,guess that makes sense lol.
Oh well was just curious.
Actually, just the app, which is useable without the pipboy. The pipboy is just a phone casing to make the app seem and feel more legit.
What a topic...we will find out November 10?
I would assume one of two things.
1. It would be integrated into Power Armor UI.
2. It would be a limitation, know what you want to do before entering.
I was under the impression, from the videos, that the power armor gauntlet has a built in slot for the screen to show through, as opposed to previous games, where you just didn't wear the glove.
There's no sliding doors or see through unless you know something we don't.
I'm thinking maybe you can swap the arm for one since apperently you can swap pieces for each arm on the video.
I think I know why you think there's a see through on the video,your actually seeing the interior skeleton of the PA with out the outer armor protection.
Thats what i see and think.
For some reaon I can't post images.
Why, I'd just pull out my Phone and use the Pip-Boy app.