I have noticed that my fusion cores are somehow recharging? I repair and upgrade my PA at the power armor station. Could that be it?
I have noticed that my fusion cores are somehow recharging? I repair and upgrade my PA at the power armor station. Could that be it?
Unless you are using the generator stations on your empty cores (untested by me but seems to be the info going around), I don't know how this is possible otherwise.
Ya I don't know either but I have definitely noticed it. I had about 15 cores. Maybe when you get out of your suit it automatically switches to a fresh core and leaves the partially depleted one in the back of your inventory?
That recharge at the generator seems to be a load of BS. Debunked as I understand it. I have tried at generators made by me or made by others. I have tried putting them back into the fusion generators where you find them, etc... nothing works. In fact, I haven't even seen them in my inventory unless I am interacting with my PA. edit: or selling them to a vendor. By this I mean I am unable to store them in any other container or drop them or do anything with them at all, except to load them in a suit of power armor or sell them.
That's exactly how it works. When you put a fusion core into power armor it automatically selects the one with the highest charge.
Well that's disappointing.
I have 8 PA on the go at the moment.
Still, I have 70+ cores. Swings n roundabouts.
You can. You have to interact with your PA before you try to enter it. You can select which power core you want to put into it. If you just jump right to entering the PA then Talonfire is correct.
I have tried the recharging info myself. I can't seem to find this magic place for that. I finally gave up and just buy what I need. For the most part I don't even use my PA for fear of it going dead.
Ya that was it. Me just hitting E and it placing the most fully charged core in.
When you take cores out of suits the game puts the most full ones back in, your half empty cores are still in your inventory, they are the ones that don't stack and take up single lines in your item list.
I wouldn't worry about it. As you get farther in the game, you will find plenty. Just only use the PA when you are going to go fight. I use it regularly, and have 16 cores. Have never bought one either. Just go out on random Free plays and explore. They are everywhere. Usually if I find one in a building or area, there is another one close by.