» Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:57 pm
I am 55 hours in and at level 22 right now. I have barely used the Fast Travel feature (only use it to warp home to unload a bunch of stuff I've discovered, then warp back to where I was). Personally, I'm so drawn in by the game, I want to experience everything, see everything. It feels incredible to just run through the land, soaking in the sights as I go along. And of course, I get stuck with that epidemic that strikes so many blondes: "oh, something shiny!" lol... I've found some neat things because of caves and dungeons I've stumbled across. I've also gone and gotten myself killed several times by finding an area with an opponent in it that can still kick my butt! But that's part of the fun the game provides. I've never been so captivated by a world before, and even though my quest book is slap filled (yes I've done several Misc. and sidequests), and I have yet to even go see the Greybeards in the Main Quest line, I'm having an absolute blast! I usually switch between dual-casting to 1H weapons and 1H destruction spell, to even dual-wielding weapons. And I do a lot of sneaking and shooting with my bow and arrow. Haven't done much smithing yet.
My only fear at this point is "broken main quest syndrome". I've read a lot of people write about the contradiction that Bethesda offers here. They tell you to explore, explore, explore... play it how you want it at your own pace. And yet, so many people say that by doing that, it can "break" the main quest. That's my only fear. If it isn't a real fear, then I will go on, playing as I am, hoping to lose 250+ hours trying to do as much as humanly possible. I'm really looking forward to finishing up the Mage quest line, as well as the companions. I also cannot wait to do the Dark Brotherhood as well as the Thieves Guild. It's just incredible... as long as it can't get broken by playing how I want! :thumbsup: