It would be out of this world crazy if you are, seriously. Personally, I hope not, simply because I wouldn't like that storyline =)
It would be out of this world crazy if you are, seriously. Personally, I hope not, simply because I wouldn't like that storyline =)
That is a question that every programmer and artist asks themselves when they are trapped in a marketing meeting listening to a 45 minute dissertation on why a certain shade of blue was selected for the advertising campaign. The question is usually followed by the thought, "Just give me the damned RGB, HSL, CMYK, or Pantone color value you want so I can go back to my desk."
It's only a little over two weeks to go, patience.
I'm actually looking forward to a few early spoilers just to see if Fallout 4 lives up to the hype and more importantly, are there any game breaking bugs or glitches.
Probably magazine people like PC Gamer and others getting a copy to review for their readers.
Not necessarily. Day 1 patches are almost inevitable - especially in games as large and complex as Fallout 4. New bugs will be found. In addition, no game studio in the world has access to all of the hardware/software configurations that are out there that might potentially cause problems with the game. Sure, they can test the game on a variety of hardware, but once the game goes live, it hits hardware that the game was never tested against - or software that interacts with the game or software the game uses, in ways the Devs never anticipated. This leads to potentially game-breaking bugs.
Right now, Bethesda has probably released a few copies to reviewers - and the reviewers may experience some of those bugs, or may find bugs that Bethesda just never encountered during their polish phase. It happens in large, complex games. Thus there will be troubleshooting and patching. And really, in a game this large and complex, you never squash all the bugs. You fix one bug and it sometimes creates three more, and so on.
A Day One Patch *can* indicate a rushed game. Or it can indicate a game developer doing their best to have a bug-free launch - working to the last minute to fix every last bug they can find, even after the game goes Gold. Bethesda said that the game was finished back in July, and that they were just squashing bugs and optimizing the code. Assuming that's true, nothing was rushed. They're just walking around with cans of bug-spray and fly-swatters (metaphorically speaking).
I read all comments like everyone's the computer voice in WarGames. . "Would you like to play a game?"
A game like Fallout needs a few days of play to have enough to do a valid review. In other games, they can play one cell or one zone and get a good idea of what the entire game is about. This game could take a person a few days before they feel like they are viable to do anything in the world than hide in the shadows scraping up materials and ammo. Then you have the lead time that articles being published need for edits and re-writes, so it kind of makes sense the reviewers are playing it now.
Model artist: "No. Oh no! How did I miss that broken seam?! How did QA miss it? Has it been reported? It looks appalling!"
* ragequits FO4. Checks bugs database *
"Report 432 - broken seam in plot critical NPC face. Flagged... LOW PRIORITY???!!!"
* ragequits bugs database *
"Day 0 patch, day 0 patch, there's still the day 0 patch, it'll be all-right..."
Rinse and repeat for UI designer, AI coder, texture artist, quest designer, area designer...
Project manager: "Yes Todd, Pete, we do have a lot of outstanding issues... Yes, I know we're finding more each day, but, really we're already in a better place than we were with Skyrim... No, there are hardly any major quest breaking bugs, and the guys and gals are working flat out... No, morale is great! Really! We're all really pumped about this... Well, yes, there is some stress, and lots of people are tired, but that's crunch-time for you... Of course I'll keep you updated every day... yes, ok, twice a day, sure. Ok. Ok. Bye."
* hangs up 'phone. Looks at clock. *
"[censored] 3:00 in the [unrepeatable] morning!!!"
* ragequits bed and heads into work *
"Day 0 patch, day 0 patch, there's still the day 0 patch, it'll be all-right..."
Yeah, I'm not sure many people playing FO4 right now are having a lot of fun. Even reviewers have deadlines and editors breathing down their necks...
If (and that's a big if) I remember aright, in one of the "ask a dev" threads before Skyrim (or maybe FO3?) a developer mentioned his working day going up to about 14 hours during hectic times.
You debunked your own argument.
" the game was finished back in July, and that they were just squashing bugs and optimizing the code."
So for 3 months the game was finished and the bug fixing began. Then they announced it was finished again to debunk more bugs.
Are people probably still finding more bugs? YES but generally they will wait until they have a LARGE list of bugs before they send a patch. 15 bugs found before release would not warrant a day one patch. TYhis is what im trying to say.
I love the witcher series. i have almost 120 hours on TW3 already, but bless its soul it had a terrible launch. That was the reason for the day 1 patch.
Fallout 4 is literally ready to go on Steam right now, and we can't download it
No, they had finished the game (as in - no more additions to the game - no new quests, etc). Thus, they could optimize the code (thus getting the system requirements and making the game-play smooth), and squashing bugs.
Then, they announce the game is "done" - as in it goes Gold - ready to go to the printer to be stamped onto discs, put into boxes, etc.
Neither of these things mean that every single bug has been found, or that they need to stop finding/fixing bugs. Nor does it mean the game is necessarily rushed either. And less critical bugs deserve love too. There are almost always small bugs in a game this large.
Also, now that the game is being put on new hardware, new bugs may show themselves that didn't appear before. We have over two weeks before launch. Why would Bethesda stop looking for bugs when they have two weeks left to find them/fix them/put them in a Day 1 Patch that makes the release run smoother.
14 days.
In my mind, those who are "reviewing" Fallout in a 2 week period (for a game that can last years) are doing everyone a service. i can only imagine the hours and work put into what they are doing. All of which we will benefit.
Just my two "star" caps. Dedicated and worthy of our adoration, those who are the brave few who transverse into the unknown...
To you "unknown"...DON"T MESS IT UP FOR US!
just tell us know about the Perk Chart/crafting and nothing else! Or, a Pox upon you!
We are mostly in agreeance then. Good enough for me lol
Back on topic though, Fallout 4 still hasnt appeared on Steam charts yet
Only 2 people played today.. I think this game might be murdering it's players.
How about letting anyone who has already bought it on Steam can play for one day only on Halloween as a *Treat*
Yeah and then it goes away again and people are pissed and demand more.
Then other people who have jobs and such, that have taken time off specifically for Fallout 4 suddenly see their schedule completely ruined as the game comes out on a different date that isn't even the same week anymore.
Releasing the game at any other date at this point, even earlier, will probably not do much besides piss a lot of people off.
Looks like reviewers might be starting to get their copies now. .. 8 players. This is going to be a fun graph to watch in upcoming weeks. .. see if they can beat their all time high of 24 players in one day.