They're better than Fallout 3s.
3 of FO3s dlc are awesome, but one, The Pitt is total and utter garbage.
Well, same for FONV. Sadly.
4 are awesome, 1 is total and utter s**t.
Old World Blues is awesome and funny. How a dlc should be. Fun to play, not too hard and lots of stuff. And you can change your hair, face and stats and live in a apartment in it after.
Returnable after.
You don't notice you can't leave till completed and don't want to leave, because it is so much fun.
Honest Hearts is awesome. Very beautiful. Good setting, characters and story. Good items. Some of the best looking medium armour in the game in Joshua Grahams Armour.
Returnable to after.
You can't leave till it's completed but you don't notice because it's so much fun and you don't want to leave because it's so beautiful and fun.
Lonesome Road is both awesome and parts of it are bad. 99% awesome. Good items.
Good stuff. Good story, setting, enemies. You find out ED-Es story.
Bad stuff. Buggy as hell. But not so it is uncompletable. Unlike Dead Money dlc. Some stupid ending slides and ending.
Has UnpassableRubbleWallitis, like Fallout 3 is riddled with. Yes, some are are meant to be blown up but it's just bloody annoying and completely unwanted!
You can come and go as you please the entire time doing it and after finishing it.
The bugs ar'nt so bad it spoils the game.
Dead Money
The worst dlc I ever played, only thing worse is The Pitt for FO3.
Good story, characters, setting and enemies. The characters and enemies do not deserve to be put in such horrifically bad gameplay.
Very bad items. One gun, the Automatic Rifle, could'nt hit a wall at point blank range if it was lazor guided. The worst aim on any gun I ever saw.
The 1 good item, Vera Keyes outfit, really is'nt worth putting yourself through it for. Theres better outfits out there that can be got in far, far easier and infinately more fun ways.
The gameplay is total and utter unadvlterated s**t!
Bomb collars and poisonous gas. Together. Bomb collars are a stupid idea whatever the setting. But poisonous gas, could be ok. But not together.
Repetative, boring, and very annoying.
It's not even completable!
Yes, that's right, the worst dlc in any game ever, The Pitt, actually has something better than Dead Money. You can complete it!
You get to a point and it lags, freezes, and a terminal won't turn off a speaker when it's meant to. So it is totally and utterly uncompletable.
Parts, probabely most of it, are not returnable after completing it.
Locks you in with none of your stuff, a none optional weapon that is weak s**t and makes absolutely no sense, whatever your class, and none of the items in it are worth playing it for.
Gunrunners Arsenal.
Awesome dlc. Lots of awesome new weapons, mods and challenges.

So my advice?
Get Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road and Gunrunners Arsenal. They're awesome.
But don't waste your time and money on Dead Money, unless you just want it for the level cap rise and recipes. That's all I got from the piece of f**king s**t!
If you get them all together in a bundle, then the horror of Dead Money won't be so horrific. You won't technically have wasted money on just that dlc.
A bundle would probabely be the best idea.
You might think, 'Dead Money looks completable on youtube'. Well having met the same game breaking bug twice, in exactly the same place, I can tell you it so is'nt.
They are all on PC the walkthroughs. There is visable editing. They are clearly using god mode, editing out the cheating and dying, then moving forward.
Not one is on consoles. So don't believe a word of it.