» Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:11 pm
I have a bunch of games to tide me over. Just got DA 2...... was actually pretty disappointed in it to be honest, so I am replaying Origins. The Witcher 2 is coming out, Hunted, Alice Madness Returns!!, I am hunting down all the Fatal Frame games again as my xbox copies no longer work...., I am replaying all the Elder Scrolls games, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, replaying Bioshock and Bioshock 2, Divinity Dragon chronicles, the Sims Medieval, and of course WOW and Age of Conan. And as if that weren't enough to occupy my time I have work, school, personal projects (lots of them....), the garden now that it's spring, costumes to make, and cons to go to.
..... I better get on this stuff, I have a lot to do.