» Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:30 am
You like the gameplay trailer? Then you'll probably fall in love with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8n1c3hsLZo&feature=relmfu. It's a rewind/slow-motion anolysis of the entire trailer by IGN. Yep. I love it.
As to what I'm doing? Well, firstly, I'm scouring the Jeralls, just drinking in the mountains in anticipation. I'm also (obviously) scanning the internet at a furious rate, finding information and somehow memorizing it better than calculus. Mmyep. That's helpful. I'm also playing Morrowind, and I may consider grabbing the other games. I'm low on money. Heh. I've also already starting drawing up a character. I have personality traits, physical traits, preferred weapons, quotes, and now I'm doing some freewriting to really get his personality out. As a writer, I enjoy making characters (which is why I fell madly for Dragon Age: Origins). I'm also getting into nerd groups at school and we are all raving about Skyrim over horrible pizza and possibly radioactive dessert. It's pretty great. It helps that the game comes out, oh, within a WEEK OF MY BIRTHDAY?
Damn I need a job.