Won't be buying it this year.
1) I'm not sure if I'll like it
2) Will wait for forum feedback
3) Don't want to gamble on playing a game andeveloping a character only to have to restat due to a bug (wait for patch)
4) I'm cheap
5) Will wait for mods, especially from what I've seen for the inventory screen
UNLESS, I find it mismarked in my favor like I did Oblivion

1. What? How will you know that unless you've played it?
2. So your opinions are formed through what others say, and not your own? That contradicts your first point.
3. Again, you suspect there will be a bug forcing you to restart, when the devs have been testing this game for months now. Todd said they've made it this time so you shouldn't restart, you are who you are...
4. You can't afford £30/40?
5. The inventory was in alpha... it's going to be changed.