Thanks in advance and sorry if this thread was already made, I just found this forum today.
After Chargen, you will approach baby Shaun's cot, where you shall find he is named "Invalid Actor REF". He will also suffer from physics bugs and have the massive flailing tentacle-arms and swivelling eyes of demon.
Codsworth will call you "Mr Boobies" regardless of what you actually named yourself.
On entering the vault, your spouse will get stuck in the elevator and will still be there 200 years later when you leave, still babbling about the veteran's association.
When you find Dogmeat, he will be sunken into the ground so that only his head is exposed, like a Digglet.
I'll be honest, I don't know if I'm just lucky, but having been a day-one buyer for a long time, I have never really had any issues with bugs. Either I never got the big ones at all, or I just purely overlooked the little ones.
The only real bug I ever came across was really late in my Fallout 3 period, and I found a tree that was trying to people. Like, stretching out into this horrifying slenderman shape.
I once got the entire party escaping from Project Purity trapped underground in the sewer. I exited too early and when I went back in they stood around, refusing to come out and meet the BOS.
Ah yes, dreaded event actor mapping. A lot of games have this issue where the game is having trouble recognizing when it's time for the actors to do a thing. Deus Ex, the original, used to do that to me.
Ditto. I've been able to play the games day one basically fine. (PC)
(The biggest bug I've ever run into in a Beth game is in late-game Fallout 3. A couple of my games have ended up with a bad map cell - i.e, enter that section of the world map, game crashes. Needless to say, this is a problem when the cell in question is the Pentagon. )
The minor stuff, like people flying across the sky as rubberbands, or dead Deathclaws/Mammoths falling from the sky in front of you? Those are fun.
Well aslong as amount radroaches are not the level of NV.
Not really a bug, but me and my brother like to go "Dev Derp! Drink!" Whenever we find a floating tree or a floating chunk of hillside, becuase the Developer had his perspective wrong when laying down a piece of landscape.
I predict really bad gravity physics like Fallout 3 and New Vegas. It's been a number of years so I'm hoping that the physics are not as bad.
To be perfectly honest? It is impossible to predict what it will be like for each indvidual person and their PC. Assuming you are getting PC where I have all of my experience on.
I played New Vegas on launch, and although noticeably buggier than Fallout 3 and Skyrim on launch it was nowhere near the absolute disaster stories ive heard of other peoples experiences. Ive had friends of mine who would have their savegames corrupt if they were saved over twice - yes that includes autosaves and quicksaves. Ive also had other people say that their character would die when entering random cells. Or even today will all of the patches they were getting a crash every 30 minutes on the dot.
Skyrim was reasonably stable, but you still got a lot of outlier horror stories like that. I have gambled on all of the games since Oblivion getting them on launch day, and ive come out on top every time with them being playable. Fallout 4 might be the one that breaks it, but once again, who knows what it will act like on launch day. I will say ive heard less and less of these horror stories for Bethesda-developed games as time has gone on, and its probably such a major outlier that I wouldnt let it influence your decision to purchase the game, but there still remains a remote chance that it will be completely broken on launch day.
I have the same exact thing, Skyrim and New Vegas worked without a hitch for me on launch, to the point where I was surprised when I heard how buggy they were. Only problem I had with Skyrim was the menu pop-up becoming slow after having multiple hours on a save and in New Vegas while I was in Helios One, Old Lady Gibson along with a couple of molerats would try to kill me.
i don't know if it's necessarily a bug, but it's very annoying when i can pick up a person's whole body like it's a feather, but if i try to pick up their cut off head/arm/leg/body part it's like my character is trying to lift a bag full of cinder blocks. it isn't anything big, but just something kind of annoying to me that i hope they fix in fallout 4.
My guess is better than Skyrim. On the good side, all platforms are much similar. The memory limit is pretty much gone so we will not get problems like Skyrim on PS3, they will also not have to test for this, yes they have to fight memory leaks but not out of memory conditions. On the other hand we will get lots of new features who will generate bugs, amusing that will show up in the weapon mod part.
More concerned about the new dialogue system, might be situations where you talk with somebody do something else like fight an enemy who pops up and then you return you are unable to continue.
Yes this was an issue in Skyrim too, however as you could just add new subjects and not removing the old until quest was done this was an limited issue.
with 4 dialogue options only the system has to be much more dynamic and removing subjects all the time so it will be smart to finish an quest dialogue you started.
it wouldn't be a fallout game with out some bugs but i just hope 4 isnt bad as Fallout 1 & 2 they were messy.
Kind of depends on how sensitive you are to bugs. Usually game breaking bugs are the types of things no one discovers until well into the game and they usually have to do with something in the story that won't let you continue.. at the worst, corrupting game saves. Everything else is just how well you deal with glitches. Past games have had plenty of glitches.. but there's usually ways of easily dealing with glitches. Some you can just ignore or laugh at, others you might need to reload.
For most games, simply getting in the habit of making multiple saves and saving a lot can completely save you from having to deal with some nasty things that others might be dealing with. I don't really remember ever having to deal with major bugs in Bethesda games.. I do remember dealing with lots of glitches.
I predict we enter Shaun's room and he's twisting to an unnatural degree, but his head is frozen with a grin on his face.
Codsworth goes through walls like it's no big deal.
Vault-Tech guy will be sticking out of the ground with the lower half of his body in the ground.
I imagine flailing bodies to return.
I was able to play every ES and both Fallout game based on Gamebryo from day one. As I recall, I had less issues with Skyrim on day one than I do now. I blame all the mods I run. Even Bashed patches and Loot controlling the load order doesn't seem to fix everything. Luckily, the worst is the Inventory CTD bug. If that is the worst that Fallout 4 throws at me, I'll be content.
Had to disable npc heads over here to get the thing to run. Only good thing about that was a headless Sunny Smiles. Now if I could just keep her and only her that way all the time...Hmmm...
I never noticed any bugs with skyrim. A few graphical bugs, but they were easily fixed. It's well worth getting the game on day 1 as long as you aren't an OCD tech junkie.