The freezes on the PS3 version are awful. I bought 3/6 DLCs, Dead Money ran flawlessly when I bought that one. Honest Hearts had hiccups, and froze every now and then. The real problems began when I downloaded Broken World Blues........I mean Old World Blues. I never even got to play this DLC, every time I try the frame rate drop outs, and freezing always win. As soon as you "wake up" in The Sink, after the opening slides the frame rate is gone, and it takes 10 minutes or more to walk your character to the door, which is only about 6 feet away. Then it takes another 10 minutes or more to load The Sink interior, if it even loads it at all. As soon as you exit The Sink again, after having talked to the Think Tanks, the frame rate drops out again, and or freezes. There is NOTHING to be done to fix this, and the only answer you could get out of the developers, was "Start a new character." Pathetic. I finally got an answer, after launching a nerd rage missile at his royal highness King Bergman.
On one attempt to play OWB, I did manage to make it to Higgs Village, and back to The Sink. Once I exited The Sink again, same problems started happening again. That's the most I ever got to play of OWB.
I have since then removed all New Vegas game data, and confined the game to my "gaming graveyard." For games, I probably won't play again, but can't trade in for much of anything.
I havn't froze once after the second game patch.
You sir are a liar, there is no possible way you can claim to have no freezing or frame rate drop outs. Especially on the PS3 version.