I have no idea if this is being worked on or not. Would be nice to get an answer, a Yes we are working on it, No we are not working on it. GStaff, do you know anything about it? I don't like asking specific people but you are the only "official" representative I know of on the forums.
I have a hard time playing Fallout 4. The head bopping when walking/running and the Pip Boy weaving makes me sick so I can only play Fallout 4 for limited times.
I wish Bethesda would be able to give us an option to turn these off so for people like me who are getting sick can play the game longer. Leave it on for the people who want it in, leave it off for those who would like it off.
So if you get sick and would like an option to turn these off or have other suggestions on how Bethesda can make the game please add your suggestions below.