How do Bethesda justify this?.. honest question for the devs

Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:55 am

Ok this is not a post attacking killcams, but they are mentioned.

Sometimes I shoot a wolf with my bow, a kill cam will trigger and the arrow will hit the wolf, but the wolf will not die and will come to attack me. I really want to know how do bethesda can justify leaving such a problem in the game?

Its time we as a community started demanding answers!

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:00 am

I think they only survive those because of health regen. which I hate.
Sometimes I like it when they survive a killcam though but other times it's quite annoying.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:58 am

The killcams for arrows and magic were something developed in one week. I'm not joking.

Basically as a "creativity project," the developers were assigned the task of making "anything you want" within one week's time and showcasing it, which I imagine was to be a brainstorming project to fuel what the DLCs would be about, as much of the content that was brainstormed went on to fuel the DLC. This creativity project lasted one week, and I'd imagine the killcams for ranged attacks were made by someone rather uncreative who just wanted to do the damned assignment (not hating, can't force brilliance), and once completed, I'd guess Bethesda never thought "hey would should thoroughly beta test these" and just released them as is.

The magic ones are far more infuriating as they can consistently get you killed, either by locking you in place as an enemy is swinging wildly at you OR the spray spells like Flames end up eating infinitely more MP because the killcam is too long.

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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:15 am

It's annoying, but I find the lip sync problem to be an even bigger issue...

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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:15 pm

Really? You find something completely unrelated to gameplay more a problem than broken killcams?

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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:48 am

Answeres have been demanded for years now.

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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:22 pm

Actually, broken killcams are not a problem in itself, just a dysfunction you'll easily survive. They won't screw your game, preventing you from playing. The lip sync problem is a lot more disturbing and stopped me from playing, until I discovered that I have a copy of version 1.8 in my computer.

As for justifying themselves, Bethesda doesn't have to, really. It's just a dysfunction, as I already said; it happens only once in a while, nothing to fuss about.

And wolves do not regen health. The only creatures in the game that regen health, beside the player, are the dragons and the trolls (as far as I know).

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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:51 am

The lip sync bug is immersion breaking.
Killcams could easily be "fixed" with a toggle.
the lip sync bug is the bigger problem.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:08 am

In the world of business and the world of entertainment, yes, you do have to justify yourself if your customers start demanding it. I'm not saying they're obligated to answer cause OP asked, but I am saying neglecting consumer concerns over time is unwise and a good way to take a hit to sales.

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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:16 pm

Far worse......... The game decides the next enemy swing will kill you and goes to kill cam to make sure it does, even though I should have had enough time to get the inventory open and chug health potions or equip a shield to boost armour rating. It takes away your choice cos it kicks in before you die, thus locking out your controller. I really hate it.

As bad,,,,,,,,,, dragon plops down in front of you. The stagger effect prevents control, then it lunges forward to perform its fatal bite attack. It's another no win situation.

If you've been locked into dead is dead for like 150 hours, then an unavoidable death like that really svcks. All those sleepless nights at the controller just thrown away due to frustrating programming.
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:04 pm

The simple answer is, the Kill Cam decision is based on a calculation taken during a snapshot in time of the battle. If you fire your arrow, the kill cam will trigger if that arrow is calculated to kill the final enemy in the area. If something happens after that calculation to increase the enemies health, then kill does not occur even though the camera scene is triggered.

As for it being a game breaking problem, it's not really. It does not happen that often. However it could be resolved by making the Kill Cams optional, which you can do on the PC with a mod.

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Rob Davidson
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:44 pm

-Get over it bro! Bethesda is working on their next game right now, in order to still remain a profitable and successful company. ;)

-And if we factor out money, do you seriously think any of the developers would even get the slightest hint of enjoyment going back to fix some minor, insignificant bug on a 3 year old game?

-Lastly, people need to stop believing companies have to "justify" things or "owes" you stuff. They don't. They produce a product and you consume it. And they may choose to improve their product if customer dissatisfaction is high, in order to increase sales. But Skyrim is already very successful, so no need to waste time on that.

Now move along and go to a party, it's Super Wednesday, after all ;)

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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:15 am

I think you're confusing entitlement with the natural order of things. You better believe businesses owe their customers answers if those customers start demanding answers en masse. That is unless the business would like to die out.

In the world of business there is no "requirements" or "expectations." You merely need to outperform your competitors to remain in front, and if your competitors are addressing problems and answering questions whereas you are not, you've got a problem.

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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:30 am

I don't even...

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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:43 pm

A lot of people (especially people on gaming forums) come across as very sellf-entitled a lot of the time.

I am sort of in agreement with you. However, in this case (the "killcam bug") I doubt Bethesda suffers financial losses because of it. Which is why this is a ridiculous thing to "demand answers" and "demand they justify themselves".

I don't really care if people complain, but I just find it amusing that so many people seem to think companies owes them to address such trivial matters.

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megan gleeson
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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:48 am

Yep. The lip sync bug is worse, really. The kill cams I can manage with the mod "Dance of Death".

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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:42 pm

Dead is Dead can be super fun in Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Morrowind. (though it can get stale in FO3 and Morrowind after certain points, can't recall if Oblivion's got stale)

In Skyrim though, the problem is, in case you don't want to read, I ATTEMPTED to highlight it with (please don't freak out at the sarcastic and hyperbolized title)

In a nutshell if you'd prefer to read: Because Skyrim's killcams merely compare his damage to your remaining HP, they activate instantly the moment the enemy ATTEMPTS an attack. He doesn't have to hit, he just has to attempt. The result is that if an enemy can twoshot you? He can oneshot you. Why? Because after the first hit kills 50% of your HP, the second can potentially trigger a killcam and lock you in place IMMEDIATELY.

The solution? You stack health and defense. You stack it to the point that no enemy can possibly two-shot you, and you of course aim towards the strongest enemies in the game. So if the strongest enemy in the game can hit for 500 damage? You get 1001 health, or stack your defenses high enough that his 500 damage drops to below half of your HP. The problem is that if you build your character towards the strongest enemy type, you're ridiculously godlike compared to everything else. This couple with instant heal potions and being able to pause combat to heal at any given moment means that of COURSE you pause to heal if you happen to take a single hit, knowing damned well that NOT doing so will mean your death. The result is an incredibly boring experience. If you happened to bother watching the vid (honestly not that entertaining), I actually ATTEMPTED to find the most deadly areas in the game I could think of, so the "excitement" shown there is the best it gets.

The same issues with 80% Damage reduction has existed in past titles, but it's been less severe because for example Oblivion had stagger that could keep you out of your menu to heal (as well as a 5 potion heal limit, though that had a loophole workaround you could exploit), FO3 did have a slight delay to open your Pipboy unless you hotkeyed stimpacks and Morrowind? Morrowind simply had a good variety of enemies with no real mercy in that regard, so even if you became godlike there were still enemies that could oppose you. New Vegas circumvented the issue entirely by changing the defense system.

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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:06 am

Kill cams are worse than lips not syncing by far.

List of grievances:

-arching a group, kill-cam first badguy/animal and sit tight while his buddies close their distance to you.

-missing a shot, sit tight while animal flees

-my character totally freezing while the camera sits and watches me, and while enemies continue to attack

-getting pulled into an kill cam by an opponent even when I've dodged his attack or I'm 10 feet away

-kill-cams are not optional

The first two really mess with archery, and negate the reason why I take quickshot(hint: it's not to sit and watch what my targts is going to do next).

The first three are fairly jarring in combat, sure the enemies are moving slowly while they're reacting to me, but I'm not moving at all.

Number four takes away a player's edge if they're adept at mobility in mid/close range combat.

All 1 through 5 are just lazy on the devs' part.


That explains why a scavenger teleported 10 feet and choked me to death with a warhammer handle.

Good to know.

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Post » Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:59 pm

You make some good points, I just forgot how bad they could be since I moved to the PC version and modded it to oblivion :sweat:

The kill cams that fked me off the most were the ones that meant your death, aka you have full health and a Dragon or whatever enemy kills you... even though you could have prevented it by blocking or using Become Ethereal or whatever... I will never forget the one where I was on the roof of the College of Winterhold, my first Legendary dragon appeared after sod knows how long of hoping to find one... only to have it land on the tiny roof and instakillcam me the split second after it did... :brokencomputer: I never saw another one again after that.

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