I'm hoping Skyrim will be about 80-120 square kilometers

Hopefully, with the new engine, making a world should go faster.
Just out of curiosity, how did you measure it???
But that's just an idle question. The thing is - I can get from Leyawiin to Bruma in less than half the game day. In Morrowind getting for Seyda Neen to Dagon Fell takes at last a day, even with levitation spells, ignoring the roads and at high level. It does not matter what map was larger in square kilometers, what matter is how it feels to the player. I don't know what soiled the illusion in Oblivion - horse travel, view distance, instant fast travel teleportation, lack of public transport, so it was obvious that even NPCs walked to the nearby city like it was "just behind that hill", the final result was that Oblivion felt smaller. And It's not nostalgia speaking - I'm playing Morrowind right now, and just did the temple pilgrimage (since you had to give a wove of silence to do it, no transportation - you have to talk to people to go places), and it took me at lat 26 hours game time to get to the shrine at Dagon Fell from Vivec, and I was not even traveling by roads or delaying to go to a dungeon, just a straight run.
So whatever they do in Skyrim they need to apply some serious level designing skills again. Or just go and make the world plain larger - that would solve a lot of problems without to much skill requirements - a huge world will feel huge, no matter what they do

P.S. Oh, and having 34 cities shipped with the game helped the size illusion on comparison to Oblivions 7... Sure some of them where tiny, and some where just military forts, but just 34 different names in your quest book added to illusion already