how can i become a dragon and fly(without any mods) and that i can full control it
how can i become a dragon and fly(without any mods) and that i can full control it
Sorry, ain't happening. Dragon Aspect makes you more powerful but does no dragon form change and dragons can be flown using the bend will shout BUT it is very limited.
You can't.
You need to get a specific shout from Dragonborn (the one you learn through the main quest of Dragonborn) to be able to ride and fly dragons. Even then, flight isn't directly under your control.
oh i see but i really want to become a dragon(legendary dragon race)
i mean u can put in console setrace dragonraces
Dragons unfortunately are not a playable 'race'. It would be fun if it were possible I grant you but it's not there.
Impossible. No joke, it's literally impossible. There is no simple console code way to do it. You can't even do it with just the Creation Kit. There are mods that allow this, so if you really want it, I suggest you browse the nexus.