» Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:39 am
Same bug as you Jondread. The only time the hotkey works is if the weapons are vanilla and unmodified. If you've used the grinder on them it thinks they're the same but does allow to assign them for dual wielding in the same way ... they show up as seperate weapons.
If you do hotkey to seperate weapons and then hotkey them in the favourites .. one of the overwrites the other.
To be honest I'm playing my dual wielding assassin with vanilla steel daggers at he moment, but ultimately I'll need to move on to enchanted weapons and the like and then this bug will be almost game breaking for me, as I don't want to have to go to my inventory everytime I switch from spell casting to dual wield my weapons again.
The amount of people complaining about the interfaces etc makes you wonder whether they even bothered testing the PC version at all. If I delivered software this buggy and unuasable where I work I'd have been sacked along time ago.