How can I disable FSAA/Temporal AA and Edge AA with v1.9?

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:38 pm

So it seems v1.9 has even more cvars locked, thus I cannot disable any of the AA methods at all. We all know that because of deferred lighting(or is it rendering?), MSAA can't be used but I don't understand why we're FORCED to use AA at all. I would rather have jaggies then a full screen blurry mess to hide the jaggies. I hate morphological filtering for that very reason. So the cvars are locked, and we've got no options to use in-game.

Bringing post processing effects as low as possible helps a bit actually, but I still need to fully disable all AA, because Crysis 2 really lacks that sharp fidelity that I see in practically all other games.



Please give us the OPTION, (I believe we all have the choice here to sacrifice performance for visuals if we so desire) to have tessellation in multiplayer. Please don't have it disabled there without any option. Thanks.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:20 pm

Add the following to your game.cfg then set it to 'read only'.

r_UseEdgeAA = 0
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 0
r_PostMSAA = 0
r_SSAO = 0
r_ColorGrading = 0
e_GI = 0
r_HDRBloomMul = 0
g_radialBlur = 0
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0
r_NightVisionBrightLevel = 0
r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseAmount = 0
r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseBlendSpeed = 0
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:46 pm

Add the following to your game.cfg then set it to 'read only'.

r_UseEdgeAA = 0
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 0
r_PostMSAA = 0
r_SSAO = 0
r_ColorGrading = 0
e_GI = 0
r_HDRBloomMul = 0
g_radialBlur = 0
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0
r_NightVisionBrightLevel = 0
r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseAmount = 0
r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseBlendSpeed = 0

Thank you so much man!

g_radialblur seems to be locked and a couple of those nightvision commands don't work but everything else worked like a charm, good sharp image now.

Also curious: Is there a command line that can execute a certain .cfg(config) file in-game?
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