I've seen this done in other scripts but aren't sure how to implement it into my own. Take a look at this example script...
Actor Property Actor1 AutoObjectReference Property Dest1 AutoQuest Property MyQuest AutoInt Property PreReqStage AutoInt Property StageToSet AutoEvent OnTriggerEnter(objectreference akactionref)if akactionref == game.getplayer()if MyQuest.GetStage() == PreReqStage Actor1.Moveto(Dest1)MyQuest.SetStage(StageToSet) Endif EndifEndevent
How can I make the PreReqStage optional? Or even both the PreReqStage and StageToSet? Basically it would cut down on scripting very similar scripts where one requires a PreReqStage and another doesn't or one sets a stage whereas in another scenario I don't want a stage to be set just PreReqStage and move the actor.