» Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:07 am
Stealth Setup
Middle Range
- FY71 +Extended Mags
- Scarab +Extended Mags +Silencer
- Hammer +Extended Mags
- Stealth +Stealth Enhance III
- Power +Retriever III
- Armor +Energy Transfer III
- Armor +Nano Recharge III
If at all possible, I recommend you use the FY71 at middle range. It does cost extra MSP (Decimation Pack, the most recent release) but after probably close to 1,000 kills with it, I can say with confidence it is by far the best Assault Rifle in the game, and can in most situations beat a Feline even in close range if you are accurate. (If they are accurate as well, they will always win in close range, the Feline is simply still the best in that range.) However the FY71 is simply beast at medium to medium-long range. I actually recommend to use it WITHOUT a silencer, but this is my preference. During play testing I found it took about 6-7 shots with a silencer to kill someone, and after I removed it, it only took 4-5. The gun is LOUD as hell though, so you may want it. The Hammer gives you consistency to be able to place shots at a longer range than most of the pistols, packs a pretty strong kick, and also allows Extended Mag placement. I still recommend Stealth Enhance III (its simply invaluable to a cloaked player) Retriever III means you always get your dog tags, you get kill streaks at 1 less than everyone else, and they last 20% longer. Its simply the most powerful module choice, I recommend it for most usages except the most close range classes (which is where I do most of my work usually, just due to my playstyle). Nano Recharge III may be preferable to some at the further ranges, the full pool of energy is not always needed that you get with Energy Transfer III, but you get other perks (energy recharges faster naturally, no delay in recharging from 0, faster health rengeration). Note that Nano Recharge III is a bich to level, so expect some dedication there if you want it. (Not hard, just takes a massive amount of time, for me from about level 25-45 or so).
Close Range
- Feline +Extended Mags +Silencer
- AY69 +Extended Mags +Silencer
- Stealth +Stealth Enhance III
- Power +Mobility Enhance III
- Armor + Energy Transfer III
Feline is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. If you are accurate, you will win every close-range fight against any other weapon. Silencer is optional based on your playstyle, however I prefer it for these two weapons. AY69 gives you a solid backup, especially for finishing off your kill streaks to get them up to those last few to 7+ as needed. Module setup is Cloak heavy (due to this game having preference for cloaking) Stealth Enhance III will give you maximum time in cloak with no shadow and faster transition, Mobility Enhance III will decrease energy during sprinting and parkour meaning you can become a stealthed blur, and also increases weapon pick-up after sprint. Finally, Energy Transfer III will restore full energy with each kill, potentially giving you an unlimited pool to tap in to of energy if you can keep your kills going.