So you one of the rare few who doesnt need to use oblivion stutter remover.
Perhaps a more accurate translation of your meaning is, "So you're one of those who disagree with me, and whom I'm going to present as being in a very small minority over the matter of the stutter remover, with the hopes that no one realizes this."

Instead of making assumptions, you might try placing a thread about framerates in the mod forum, which is the best attended Oblivion forum here, and ask if anybody has managed to achieve a good FPS without the OSR before applying mods. If you're openminded enough to accept views that aren't necessarily those you want to hear, I think you'll find quite a few people who will speak up positively. After all, the question has arisen, before.
For the record, I had a great FPS for Oblivion on this machine (about two years old) until I decided to load it down with more high-end textures, lots of animated NPCs, etc. Even so, with OSR and one or two other tools helping I get a pretty consistent 30-40 FPS.
Of course, if you're looking to pick a fight over Fallout 3's engine taking better advantage of newer CPUs and RAM, you're due for a disappointment. No one's going to argue with this. The point isn't that Fallout 3 does this better, but that a lot of people find Oblivion handles it sufficiently well to please them, and prefer the older game.
So oblivion mysterious runs on your pc without a hitch? I find that hard to beleive when the engine is not very good.
On the other hand, I've found that when we have unshakeable beliefs in place, it's very hard to pay attention to little things like evidence that goes against them. Good thing I never, ever felt that way... :whistling: