How can I prove to others that I'm not cheating? :/

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:38 am

How can I prove to others that I'm not cheating?

I'm always being called a cheat or hacker, and alot of the time I get votes started to get me kicked off, it's really annoying, really, REALLY annoying.

And when I ask people to tell me what makes them think I'm hacking they just don't reply, they just ask others to vote me off.

I mean, if I get 7 kills to 0 deaths... does that mean I must be a hacker?!

I even stay still and wait when there is lag from the Oribital Strick, unlike most who rack up on easy kills. Just to show others that I'm a fair player.

My overall K/D ratio is only 1.89, thats nothing to brag about... right?

And I'm currently rank 42 on my 1st Reboot.

Here are my 2 main load outs that I use...

Weapons -

Scar with reflex sight & hologram
M12 Nova with Suppressor
M17 Frag grenade

Suit modules -

Energy Transfer +3
Stealth Enhance +3
Retriever +3


Weapons -

X-43 Mike
M12 Nova with Suppressor
M17 Frag grenade

Suit modules -

Energy Transfer +3
Stealth Enhance +3
Mobility Enhance +3

I just want people to know I'm not a damn hacker!!!

Any help guys? :/

this is driving me up the wall, I love this game, i really do, it's the best multiplayer I have played in a very long time, but this is really spoiling it for me.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:46 pm

Stop playing with children.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:29 am

Stop playing with children.

Dude, that sounds so wrong ><

but yeah, does seem that I'm not gaming with anyone mature lol
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Cagla Cali
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