I read a thread a while back saying that the institute didn't seem bad, just wanted to advance technology for mankind. Can't find the thread.
But having played this game through on different factions and seeing what the institute was about. I'm sorry but:
1) First and foremost how does making synths help mankind? I mean they already made coursors at least 50 years prior to the start of this game, what exactly is their end goal?
Wouldn't helping reverse the effects of radiation in ghouls and supermutants or research into radiation free food production help a lot more than making synthetic humans?
2) They kidnap real people and replace them with Synths. How does that help mankind? You kill the actual human, download the memories but those can be altered and deleted? Sounds more like that movie invasion of the body snatchers....
3) Assuming you believe Synths are superior AI than humans and that humans deserve to be replaced. How so when synths can be turned off, reprogrammed, and forced to remain at the institute? That's slavery without free will.
4) They kill whomever gets in their way. Whilst protecting oneself is important in such a vicious world but how does killing and kidnapping entire families seem ok? The end most certainly doesn't not justify the means, not at least when it's about making synthetic humans.
Seems like the institute is like Nazi Germany. Brotherhood of Steel is like George Bush invading Iraq, gungho and self righteous but causing more problems than good. Railroad is hmm, like Green Peace, passionate and willing to die for a cause that's well not really that important? Minutemen seem like the only good guys here.......