I am shure we all saw the previews for F:NV where the flying robot (sorry forgot the name of it) is hovering over the desert wasteland road and gets shot. Once hit, it moves perpendicular to the road. Straight off the road and comes back. To me that would mean the shooter was straight on him for to move back like he did. But then he travels some more, so I am guessing what 10 or so meters or 30 feet or so. He gets shot again. Again he moves off perpendicular to the road. How can this be? He already has moved so he is not straight on to the shooter anymore.
So this is either a different shooter this time, or a mistake was made. The video looks so real, that I just can't stop thinking of this. How can it be the same shooter unless the shooter was moving with the flying robot as well.
Yeah I know it's not a big deal, but is there an explanation for this?