I am wanting to know how I can go about just changing a glass long sword's stats so that it will be a bit stronger and lighter and do a bit more damage. I tried to change it with the construction set but when I changed it, it didn't show up in the game. What am I doing wrong or what am I not doing that I might be supposed to do? Please respond quickly.
Once you make a change and save your plugin, you need to select it in Data Files (second option in the Oblivion launcher menu). I highly recommend that you go through a few of the tutorials on the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page In particular, read the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/A_beginner%27s_guide%2C_lesson_1_-_The_Construction_Set_Primer Also check out http://www.tesalliance.org/. There are modding classes there that you may find quite useful.