I roleplay as a more heroic type character. He tries to help out as much as he can for a simple node of appreciation, and he'll stop at nothing to save someone, even running into gates to Oblivion. He commits many a great deed, and for it he was appointed the title of a lord. At age 24 he was sent to prison for murder. He was attacked by a Dark Brotherhood aspirant who, to become a member, had to slay the honorable lord. He snuck into his house (Rosethorn Hall) and attacked. The lord managed to fight him off, eventually knocking him outside, where they continued to battle. The lord got a hit to connect to the side of the assailant, but the guards never saw him defending himself. They had seen the lord murder an "innocent" Dark Elf. Once breaking out of prison, he sensed how great a deed the Emporer had tasked him:
Spoiler stopping the Oblivion Crisis
. He set out on his quest for two reasons:
To re-earn his respect; and to save humanity.
During his quest, he had gathered many items of sentimental value. Of course, the legion had already sold his house to some other free-loader. Once he finally regained his house, he placed all his items in it. He kept the house very well organized, even without the help of the maid.
Years later he had to move on (to TES:V), for there were dangers elsewhere, much more serious than the trolls and bandits of Cyrodiil. He left his house and gave it to the legion to keep as a museum. Once he crossed the border into [Place TES:V's setting here], he was arrested for being an illegal alien.
To be continued...
...That's pretty much the story of my hero. I seem to incorporate RP'ing in every game I play.