Hi all, I'm working on a part of my mod, where the player meets a dying NPC, and has the option to heal her.
I've given the NPC the following script, which obviously doesn't work. I've highlighted a section of the script with asterixes, as I'm unsure of the correct syntax to use. The asterixes aren't in the actual script, they're just there to point out the part I'm having trouble with.
What's supposed to happen, is script should check if a magic effect has been applied, then checks if the caster is the player. After that, it checks if the player's magic effect is the one previously declared as the property "danHealEffect" (a Healing Hands effect), and that's where I'm having trouble, as the CK wiki page for "OnMagicEffectApply" doesn't have information I need.
Scriptname danTaarumeHealScript extends actorGlobalVariable Property danTaarumeGlobal AutoMagicEffect Property danHealEffect Auto Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect) if akCaster == game.getPlayer() if akEffect == ******danHealEffect()****** ;do something endif endifEndEvent
Here's the error I get, as well:
So, what should I have written instead?