» Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:16 am
Well, I mean, considering the dwemer were hundreds or thousands of years more technologically advanced than any other race in Tamriel's history, and they never had guns... I think gunpowder is something that doesn't and won't exist in TES lore.
The dwemer machinery seems to be operating on Steam Power, which if you compare that to a modern timeline, steam power came out long after gunpowder. A thousand years later, almost. I can believe that Tamriel is a place that simply doesn't have the raw materials, nor the necessity that is the mother of invention, to make gunpowder.
Why would someone in tamriel bother to sit down and come up with it, when Alchemy, Magic, and dwemer technology already exist? Don't forget that this is the reason behind all creativity, someone looking for an answer to a need that exists. It seems to me that Tamriel doesn't have a need for chemical explosives.