Agreed, playing as Ceph would be nice. Or a cooperative survival-mode where you have to fight larger and larger waves of Ceph (which I though was the original idea of Crash Site - kinda disappointing but mode is still fun), including gunships until a final big wave. Both would give the MIKE an enormous boost in the amount people using it.
Oh yeah, that would be cool. Just have it where everyone works as a team to kill Ceph! That would be an AMAZING idea! Man, they really need to have a peoples vote on how to make Crysis 3.
Agreed! I have thought about that game mode too, a squad of nanosuit soldiers say about 4 players, up against wave after wave of Ceph, starting off with a few waves of Grunts and Stalkers working your way up to enemys more like Heavys, Pingers and Guardins. and to win you have to servive a certain time limit. you can even have it as a leader board thing, see who can last the longest, so never have the waves run out... so sooner or later you could be there with your squad up against 100's of Ceph all in one wave. Kinda like that one game mode on L4D... but better

Oh and if you die... you die... you can't come back intill the next round, unless there is some way you could give the survivors some sort of objective to do to bring the player back. no idea what that could be though, just an idea.
But yeah, anyway... there does need to be a Ceph wave game mode.
Yeah! and then it would be fair, since some people use hacks, but killing Ceph would be sort of easy. Since they are computer generated.
Oh yeah, I was saying that would also be a good mode for Campaign. A one shot, your dead mode.
Oh and if you die... you die... you can't come back intill the next round, unless there is some way you could give the survivors some sort of objective to do to bring the player back. no idea what that could be though, just an idea.
But yeah, anyway... there does need to be a Ceph wave game mode.
Agreed. But you could do it with bigger maps. The team of players has to dominate certain points on the map, and if they're able to do it for a certain time, they can create a respawn-point at this spot. Then the team charges further and if you die (and are unlucky), you respawn far away from the actual battle. And the ceph can destroy respawn points, so the team has to protect them quickley, if a wave of ceph is suddenly appearing...
Oh yeah, like an advanced power struggle, like from Crysis Wars.
Maan, we the people know how to make a good game!!!