Just because someone calls it something, does not mean it is. I can call myself studly all day long, your not going to agree with me.

True, since I have no idea what you look like.
Vault Tec or whoever made these things, thought Nuclear Weapons were the Bomb (Pun Intended). So, I can see them naming something so it sounds all Nuclear Like, and make it look like something that is Nuclear. Packaging and Naming do not make a Nuclear Bomb. However, even in Fallout 3, the Mini Nuke was clearly not a nuclear weapon. Just a high explosive charge. I don't remember any radiation effects from the Mini Nuke, but there could have been like with the cars that you blew up.
See I don't where to start with this really... Mini Nukes
did have a radioactive element to them after you fired them. The impact area would remain irradiated for a short period of time after the projectile detonated. I don't know if this carried over to Fallout: New Vegas (perhaps some curious mind could test that out since I don't have any characters with access to the weapon yet).
IN Fallout 3, I used the MIRV on a barn filled with Raiders and scored a direct hit on the structure. I still had to fight 5 of the 8 Raiders after the Salvo. If they had been Nuclear, the barn would not have been left. OK yes, FO3 does not have destructable enviorments, but still the MIRV Volley should have vaporized the entire group. I am comparing this to the near misses from the Boomers that just about wipes you out unless you hide in very specific places and we know they are not shooting Nuclear Rounds. In fact, even if you are hiding in those places, you still lose health and can die if you are not placed just right. However the blasts from their Howitzers have much higher blast effects than the Mini Nuke ever did.
Of course the building wouldn't collapse. You said it yourself "FO3 does not have destructable environments". It's a game... How does the fact that the weapon doesn't annihilate everything it hits prove that it's not a nuclear weapon?
Oh, MIRVs don't have to be Nuclear Tipped to be a MIRV. MIRV is a Weapon Delivery System, not a Weapon.
You're right here. However, the term came to popular use with the introduction of the concept into nuclear warhead delivery systems. Very few weapons use this sort of technology and the majority of those that do are nuclear ballistic missiles.
Want more damning evidence that the Fat Man is a nuclear weapon? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrvtj_Y2xSk.
Hmm... It sure does say at the end of the video "Tactical Nuclear Catapult".
Build your straw man argument! I will be here with the Flamer of Evidence, lighting him on fire! :flamethrower: