» Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:44 pm
It should be too hard to implement multiple effects. For enchanting, it could work something like this:
Lv. 1 thru 24 - Can apply 1 effect, using only Lesser or Greater soulgems. (New system with fewer soulgem types - Lesser, Greater and Grand.)
Lv. 25 thru 49 - Can apply 1 effect, using any soulgem.
Lv. 50 thru 74 - Can apply 2 effects, the second effect using only Lesser or Greater soulgems. Also allows you to disenchant any non-daedric items.
Lv. 75 thru 99 - Can apply 2 effects, using any soulgem.
Lv. 100 - Allows you to disenchant any items except "Legendary".
This system should also be coupled with a Soul Trapping perk, allowing you to trap better mobs such as grand souls and humanoids (instead of the Black soulgems in Oblivion). Furthermore, Bethesda should try to bring back Daggerfall souls to some extent - certain souls giving additional enchantment bonuses on top of the ones you assign yourself (something that could even be used instead of my above idea).