First and foremost, the completely exaggerated masculin attitude and feeling you get from this game trilogy, is absolutely unbearable. The game feels like a 16 year old semi-strong kid, with balls as large as the whole planet developed it. One word of advice here...get a girl, you need to vent something. Heros like that do not exist in the real world, or in good movies. They only exist in a underdeveloped mind of a 16 year old boy. The game felt and sounded like you were playing Rambo (the third part, not the first good one). Shouldn't you think that when people reach a certain age and state of their life, there should be a change of attitude? Well guess what, the change is already there, but Crysis 3 obviously proofes, that when trying to enforce the conclusion of a trilogy, and your attitude and body has changed to one of an advlt man, the game can't be the same as before. And this is exactly the result we're getting. The game was so boring and repetetive, it felt like even the developers couldn't stand the series anylonger. It literally felt like they already gave up on the whole story, because there's nothing left to improve.
Third part of the rant is about game length. 7 hours gameplay for 60€? Now listen again...7 hours of gameplay for 60€! Half Life 1+2 gave me 30+ hours for 25€. Dead Space 1, 2 and 3 gave me 20+ hours of gameplay for 25-50€. Call of Duty and Battlefield series gave me ~10 hours for 50€ (which was a disgrace already, but still longer then Crysis 3 plus they both had an awesome, stable and ground breaking multiplayer part), I got 150~ hours from Mass Effect for 50€, and got never ending gameplay from Skyrim or S.T.A.L.K.E.R for 60€...NEVERENDING, NEVER BORING!!!. You really want to compare Crysis to games like this and still boast it as one of the best games ever? I'm speaking the unembellished truth here...~7 hours of boring and repetetive gameplay is a outrageous disgrace, and should be notified as the greatest scam to PC players ever. Who cares about all the blink, blink??" Who cares about all the decessive shine of a juwel, if you can't afford anything from it? If I want graphical immersion and photo realism, I take a look outside the window. You can't top that. But a game, just as music or a movie, is supposed to entertain me over good periods of time. Crysis achieved nothing of that. Crysis 1 looked brilliant but was tedious to play, Crysis 2 looked even more brilliant, has the gameplay polished, but with ~10 hours of gameplay still felt much to underutilized and underpacked. Cause let's face it, FPS is a FPS is a FPS is a FPS, nothing you can do to change that, except going innovative ways in gameplay.
Fourth part: Predator mode? So you've already stolen the idea of cloak in part 1, the idea of thermal vision in part 2, and finally the idea of silent warfare (actually from the movie Rambo, not Predator) in part 3. Why did you just not developed a new Predator and/or Rambo title? I really enjoyed thoose games back in 1999 and 1994. Apart from that, what exactly created the decision to make the player even more of an uber characterthen you were before? Do you know how long I spend Crysis 3 uncloaked and using a bow? Being forced to collect the arrows doesn't prevent anyone from using this completely outbalancing weapon configuration, specially if the player is such an old and patient old fart as me. So boredome and repetition was paired with no challenge...I'm serious, trying to hit the center of the toilet when I'm drunken is more of a challenge, then Crysis 3 was.
So you maybe think "damn, what a negative creep, he has nothing good to say about our favourit product" (well probably only the fangirls react like that(yes, you're named fangirls in purpose, psychological thing, very hard to understand for the common wannabe pimp, but just as Rambo, if you strain your mind a little...oups, I will probably just explode. Muscles over mind, or matter over spirit as you might say...