How to decorate effectively?

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:53 am

Ok, so ive seen a few posts around trying to explain how to decorate without a sword flying at your face everytime you enter a room. So if someone would be so kind as to give an explanation on the process it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Richus Dude
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:37 am

Drop your items on the floor, leave the house, return and decorate. PS3 players might need to do it a few times to get the house to remember what it has. The cellar door is good for reloading in Hearthfire homes, as it is quicker, and you are not likely to be attacked by anything. Some items are not decorator friendly and will vanish on your return, so always save before dropping anything, just in case.

Some items will refuse to accept any other location, other than where they were dropped. Most circlets will do that, a few helmets like the Stormcloak officers one. Ice-wraith teeth will also do it, so you want to use them as ice, you are going to have to drop them where you want them, which can be challenging.

A few items will fall through anything but the floor. The Stallions potion, White Phial and a few other things will do that.

Some items like Haelga's Dibella statue and the Zephyr bow will teleport out of your house, so they are not suitable items to put on display.

The Hearthfire homes all come with respawning junk, so unlike vanilla player homes, if you move something the house came with, it will return after you are absent for ten days. So either you decorate around the junk, or you rush back all the time before your decorating can be ruined. I chose to decorate around the junk.

Be very careful putting any weapons in any display cases in the game, some weapons will fall through the display case and this permanently changes the display settings for that weapon (for display cases, weapon and shield racks) and all exactly like it. Save before you try it, if it falls through or sticks out of the display case on your return, reload it and try it in something else. Some weapons like the Ebony Blade and Keening, will try to escape from the display case, you can be persistent and just keep putting them back, or give up and put them in storage. You can get the Ebony Blade in the entrance way display case by putting it on an angle from corner to corner. It will still try to escape through, especially when the house resets and the lid opens. I have Keening in the lower floor enchanting dagger case, with some flowers to try and anchor it, it moves, but I have not recently had to search the entire house for it. You always need to check where it is each time you enter the house if you have it in a case though, just in case it is making a bid to escape.

Generally so long as you save frequently and keep a save to return to, you will be OK.

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Kit Marsden
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:59 am

Thank you so much, your description was very helpful.

Time to go decorate Hjiesomthing hall.

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KU Fint
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:07 am

We do have a home decorating thread for Hearthire, if you have problems or just want inspiration.

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