How to deletemove a bunch of grass?

Post » Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:25 pm

Hello guys,

Can anybody please tell me how to delete/move a bunch of grass? I use Abu's Retreat by phoebe that adds a cute small house near Pelagiad, but the grass outside it flows in the air as the place has been nirnformed.

I would like to take time here to thank very much to all of you modders and players, active and long gone, for making Morrowind what it is! So grateful for sharing these worlds with you :wink:
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:28 pm

You'll need to open the .esp that adds the grass in the construction set. So for example Vurts Groundcover (if that's what you are using) then switch to the location where you want to edit the grass and either adjust its position (bit of guestimation) or delete if from the area where there is the conflict. Then save/combine the grass esp.

If you have the mod you like open as well it will make it easier to adjust the grass as you can check between both instances of the construction set.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:32 am

Alternatively you can regenerate the grasses in the whole game by using with the made by Vurt, containing the data for the grass/grounds (requires that the grasses meshes and textures are already installed in your Data Files directory). ; )
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claire ley
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