No, non, no. Bioware is all talk and no actual consequence at all. Obsidian needs to be brought into the TES fold.
Agreed on the Bioware part. Though I enjoy the older Bioware games (ME2 was ok for one playthrough of 15 hours but that's it and DA2 was an abomination) I would hate to see their type of dialogue in a Bethesda game. Really hate it. I prefer the current system a thousand times over that.
I could do with a few more options here and there and also with some flavor to dialogue. You rarely get to choose between more than 2 reactions to a quest (usually "I'd be honored" or "Good luck with that" types of responses). A few more wouldn't hurt, even if they lead to the same thing. As for more branches; it would be good in some cases but not like Fallout. In Fallout there are just way fewer quests because there are more branches. I prefer more quests which you choose to do or not to do, based on your character.
Oh and some people don't seem to realise you can ALWAYS use TAB to exit dialogue if you feel it's heading somewhere you don't like. I do this quite a lot, actually. There's no need for a dialogue option to leave conversation, like a lot of other games offer. It just seems players don't realize (or want to realize) this and always click on dialogue to advance, but if the option is something my character would never say, I tab out and leave the NPC.