How did practically NO branching dialogue seem like a good i

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:45 pm

And that's exactly why I prefer the way it's done as is.

Except you can't actually do that because most quest items, even fetch quests, don't let you sell the item.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:01 pm

I know when people are complaining about a supposed lack of roleplaying potential in Skyrim that I can safely put myself in an entirely different category than the rest of this forum. That is just complete and utter nonsense to me, and I have to say, if you feel like you can't roleplay in Skyrim, then you just aren't trying. You just expect the game to hold your hand for your roleplay style, rather than to actually require you to do something about it yourself.

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Becky Cox
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:25 am

This is one of my biggest complaints as well. 95% of the quests are either "complete or not" with absolutely no options on HOW to complete. It's quite unsatisfying and I would rather just explore and dungeon crawl myself rather than do quests because of it.

The biggest example was dealing with that rebellion in Markarth. I mean, I freaking joined the Imperial Legion, but the only option to complete that quest was to help the rebels bust out of jail and then start attacking all the guards in the city. How does that even make sense?
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:27 pm

I agree with the "go anywhere, be anything" concept, but I shouldn't be able to do those things as easily as we can in the game. In Oblivion, I didn't like the fact that as a fighter I could join the mage guild, and as a mage I could join the fighters guild. I should have the option of joining in both o those instances, but I should have to be tested before membership is given. For example, I could easily fight my way through the mage guild quests with my sword, I didn't have to cast a single spell.

I'm not a mage in Skyrim, and I only visited the Winterhold college because my ranger dabbles in the healing arts of restoration. I liked the fact that you had to summon a flame atronarch to even get access to the college, so it seems like its more promising. I haven't gone through the quest line though.

On the same account, a mage should be able to join the Companions. But the mage will need to fight (think mage with a knack for swords). A level 5 pure fighter should be able to have enough fighting prowess to be a successful companion, but a mage might have to be 10 or so levels higher because they are focusing on magic, the swordplay is secondary skill that levels slower.

This I agree with. I am all about requirements to join (and advance through) a guild.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:18 am

When Obsidian did NV it was the first time I bothered to listen to conversations in a Bethesda game, now I'm back to skipping most. They need to move with the times a bit and make their plots more varied on how one wants to proceed through a quest. There were way to many times with completely one sided or wrong responses that were forced on my character. Obviously I like their games since I've played all of them, but that has bothered me of late.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:09 am

This is one of my biggest complaints as well. 95% of the quests are either "complete or not" with absolutely no options on HOW to complete. It's quite unsatisfying and I would rather just explore and dungeon crawl myself rather than do quests because of it.

The biggest example was dealing with that rebellion in Markarth. I mean, I freaking joined the Imperial Legion, but the only option to complete that quest was to help the rebels bust out of jail and then start attacking all the guards in the city. How does that even make sense?

The only rationale that I could come up with was that I needed to bust out of that place, one way or another. Plus, at the start of the quest I didn't realize that the entire city guard was corrupt, I thought it must have just been those three guys. So when they said they planned to haul me off to jail, I didn't realize it was the start of a new section of the quest. I said "go ahead and try."

I ended up killing half the city guards myself before I finally realized that I should have just surrendered in the first place. lol

I put up a helluva fight though.
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:57 am

Yea, this is at the top of my list of complaints. It was really annoying me that I had no free will in what I said.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:44 pm

This is one of my biggest complaints as well. 95% of the quests are either "complete or not" with absolutely no options on HOW to complete. It's quite unsatisfying and I would rather just explore and dungeon crawl myself rather than do quests because of it.

The biggest example was dealing with that rebellion in Markarth. I mean, I freaking joined the Imperial Legion, but the only option to complete that quest was to help the rebels bust out of jail and then start attacking all the guards in the city. How does that even make sense?

Nope, there are other options in that quest.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:31 pm

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Elena Alina
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:06 pm

yeah definitely
too many times I'm sitting here thinking
there's 3 options for me to answer
but they all come down to the exact same thing
there seem to be a few quests where you do have choice but they have to blatantly shove it in your face
kind of ruins the illusion of freedom entirely
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:34 pm

Can't you leave the convo? Just press the exit button and you're out. And for the good and bad part...we need karma back!

I really don't think we need karma back. That just assigns a blank black and white color to each decision. There are still plenty of moral choices in quests, they just aren't blatantly 'good or evil'. There's alot more moral abiguity and I love it...

Though I do agree alot of the dialog is straight forward and lacks branches.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:31 pm


I don't need to vocalize my character's personality. To do so actually doesn't make sense. People don't do this in the real world. It's just not realistic.

However, if someone I'm talking to says something unfavorable and I walk away, that's something that happens in the real world. I think the role you're playing in this RPG is a very unrealistic one and anyone who disagrees is clearly disillusioned and doesn't know how human interaction works.

You just proved yourself wrong by saying that you disagreed with someone. Real life is like Skyrim, Accept his quest, it's in your journal now.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:18 pm

I actually had a quest ruin an entire 40+ hours character for me. I was playing a mage archer (conj/archery/illusion with a bit of enchanting) and so far I was "the good guy". I helped people I could, refused to screw over others or to lie. I completed both the College quests and the Stormcloak, and everywhere I went guards would go "Well met, Stormblade" or "For Honor!".

Well That was until I found a book and auto-accepted a quest
to investigate the Boethiah Cult. So i head out, get there, and find out its a worship of some godess of destruction and lies, and they want me to sacrifice an innocent to join them in servitude to their godess.

So I go "[censored] that, hell no" and "B" out of the conversation (Xbox). I hike up the mountain a bit and when I have a good perch I summon my Atronachs and start raining arrows, killing the entire camp.

Little did I know, that pisses the godess which advances the quest anyway by having her appear and tell me to sacrifice the damn innocent.

So I figure hell, who cares right? I dont have to do it, let us just ignore the quest. And I promptly resume my Dungeon Crawling binge.

Then 5 hours later I walked in town...

"I have heard of your honeyed words..."
"I wont talk with men who don't hold to their honor..."

That is all the guards say now. Its either loose 5 hours of gameplay, reroll or re-write my character as a vile honorless liar....
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:05 pm

New Vegas spoiled me with it's wonderful, wonderful dialogue and choices. I hope Bethesda takes heed to this in their future titles. I still have some faint hope that not all of Bethesda is incompetent at writing.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:29 am

When Obsidian did NV it was the first time I bothered to listen to conversations in a Bethesda game, now I'm back to skipping most. They need to move with the times a bit and make their plots more varied on how one wants to proceed through a quest. There were way to many times with completely one sided or wrong responses that were forced on my character. Obviously I like their games since I've played all of them, but that has bothered me of late.

This. There is little point in even listening to conversations in Bethesda games outside of lore. It's all exposition then "go do this". It even gives you the false sense of putting up a fight and trying to change the course of things but those dialog choices have no meaning and the outcome is the same. You can try to talk your way out of being the leader of most factions but it's all window dressing. For once I'd like to help someone else become the Archmage, Listener, Harbinger, etc. Obsidian games are great for that.
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Len swann
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:57 am

Nope, there are other options in that quest.

Such as? I never came across any.

I actually had a quest ruin an entire 40+ hours character for me. I was playing a mage archer (conj/archery/illusion with a bit of enchanting) and so far I was "the good guy". I helped people I could, refused to screw over others or to lie. I completed both the College quests and the Stormcloak, and everywhere I went guards would go "Well met, Stormblade" or "For Honor!".

Well That was until I found a book and auto-accepted a quest
to investigate the Boethiah Cult. So i head out, get there, and find out its a worship of some godess of destruction and lies, and they want me to sacrifice an innocent to join them in servitude to their godess.

So I go "[censored] that, hell no" and "B" out of the conversation (Xbox). I hike up the mountain a bit and when I have a good perch I summon my Atronachs and start raining arrows, killing the entire camp.

Little did I know, that pisses the godess which advances the quest anyway by having her appear and tell me to sacrifice the damn innocent.

So I figure hell, who cares right? I dont have to do it, let us just ignore the quest. And I promptly resume my Dungeon Crawling binge.

Then 5 hours later I walked in town...

"I have heard of your honeyed words..."
"I wont talk with men who don't hold to their honor..."

That is all the guards say now. Its either loose 5 hours of gameplay, reroll or re-write my character as a vile honorless liar....

That reminds me of another Markath quest.

You investigate an abandoned house that is suspected of being used for Daedra worship. I accepted going, "Alright, cool. A quest where I can beat up on some Daedra and do some good." But, no. You're railroaded into trapping a rival priest and beating on him until he dies

I'm pretty sure I am getting the same disposition change from guards that you are.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:01 pm

^ Amazing article on the subject. A must-read.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:29 pm

I don't know, I hate voice acting. I don't have the patience to sit through a lengthy speech every time I hail an NPC. I grew up on RPGs with text and the ability to skim and fast forward dialogue until it reached a crucial point where what dialogue option you select has a different effect. I thought the Mass Effect system of Paragon/Renegade was decent, I could skip through if I wanted to and knew that Red was Renegade response, resulting in an intimidation, and Blue was paragon with a persuasion. I am sure die hard RPers loathe this system, but for the vast amount of players, I highly doubt they sit through the dialog and just want what they select to have an impact they can control.
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:20 pm

Well, it's not like it should be a surprise for you or anything. Todd Howard said himself multiple times that the quests wouldn't be branching like in Fallout but there would be more total quests.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:32 pm

I. I thought the Mass Effect system of Paragon/Renegade was decent, I could skip through if I wanted to and knew that Red was Renegade response, resulting in an intimidation, and Blue was paragon with a persuasion. I am sure die hard RPers loathe this system, but for the vast amount of players, I highly doubt they sit through the dialog and just want what they select to have an impact they can control.

I consider myself quite the RPer and I adored the paragon/renegade system (albeit I only played MF2). When that alien is yapping away, having the suddent possibility to shoot his ear off and tell him to Please continue, my good sir. or get the next bullet in the brain freaking rocked!
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:20 am

^ Amazing article on the subject. A must-read.

That pretty much exactly voices my frustrations.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:02 pm

Welcome to the Elder Scrolls.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:20 am

I loved NV branching dialog, an improvement over F3. That is why I was disappointed with skyrim in that regard. I hope if they do an expansion, they will put branching dialog.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:29 am

Completely true issue, and a valid complaint. Anyone who disagrees with this is clearly delusional and doesn't know how RPGs work.

I cannot stand posts like this.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:03 pm

I know when people are complaining about a supposed lack of roleplaying potential in Skyrim that I can safely put myself in an entirely different category than the rest of this forum. That is just complete and utter nonsense to me, and I have to say, if you feel like you can't roleplay in Skyrim, then you just aren't trying. You just expect the game to hold your hand for your roleplay style, rather than to actually require you to do something about it yourself.

You can't role-play in Skyrim, at all. It just doesn't make any sense to turn down the ability to become a werewolf no matter what role you play. I used to have, let's call them acquaintances for a lack of a better term, and trust me when I say, none of them would turn down the abilities you gain when doing the College of Winterhold quest-line, because it would make them better thieves, plain and simple. It's the same story all over the game.

Now, if I'm not mistaken, in Morrowind you couldn't join the Thieves Guild if you already were a member of a conflicting faction, and if you joined the House Hlaalu, you could, of course, not join any other houses. That makes sense, that's how you role-play, there should be consequences to the choices you make. Basically nothing you can do in Skyrim has any consequence on anything in the game, apparently Beth even removed the feature of being expelled from a faction that were present in Oblivion.

Skyrim is a very enjoyable game nonetheless, the roll-playing aspect however, is just plain dull.
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