I used to be knowledgeable in this...took a LOT of frozen-actions captures during my first play-through. I've not done so THIS play-through and no longer recall everything. I do remember using a combo of these console commands:
- tfc - Flying Camera mod. Must be in third-person beforehand.
- tm - Removes the game interface.
- tai - Freezes action. Open the console to temporary freeze an actor in the desired stance. Targed said actor. Type 'tai'. Don't forget to type 'tai' again as needed once captures are taken.
For dramatic combat shots I kept a close eye on allies and enemies. As each assumed a desired pose I'd bring up the console and 'tai' it. Once all other participants were frozen I'd drop to third-person (if not there already...I normally was), pose my avatar for best effect, then 'tai' him too. That done I'd type 'tfc' and search out the best camera position(s). Once found I'd type 'tm' to remove the interface, then capture images. Again, make sure you un-freeze participants ('tai') once done.
Be careful with 'tai'. Typing it without an actor targeted will freeze EVERYONE in the game world. I found that in almost every situation it was better to freeze / un-freeze actors individually. Otherwise there always seemed to be at least one poorly positioned / posed actor.
Like I said, it's been a while since I last did this. Double-check my info for errors / misinformation before attempting it yourself.