"Getting lost" in an open world game? You must be new here...
"Getting lost" in an open world game? You must be new here...
At first I was but then I was
Dialogue is complex? Seriously, Skyrim has rather simplified dialogue, it's hard to find simpler in any modern games.
Yeah, 4-5h is certainly not enough to judge the game. 40-50h is bare minimum and even then one has likely just srcatched the surface.
This is the first TES game where character height does not affect viewing height, each character has the same be they Bosmer or Altmer.
It was an incredible dissapointment and it really does nothing for my rp when my Altmer seemingly has to look up to look other Altmer in the eyes.
Switching to third person reveals that Altmer characters are essentially looking out of their nipbles, this is the height of their view.
It's a great game and it has oodles of content and a beautiful world. I think it's the best game I have for my 360. It is however little things like this that get under my skin after a while, since the annoyance of having too low a viewing point pops up each and every conversation, and each and every time I walk through a city and compare myself with NPC's.
Getting lost with floating quest markers everywhere?
Go play Morrowind, vague text based directions that were completely wrong half the time haha (Go north and turn west when you see a tree is a good example of Morrowind directions)
I agree 1st person view is very restrictive, I usually play in 3rd. People seemed to indicate you could change it tho?? Ini tweak?
At least in Oblivion you could push them out of the way and in Morrowind you could use a command spell to get them to move :/
I don't really understand the mechanics of this in Skyrim. NPC's are not so easily moved, I suppose to prevent things like pushing someone off a high ledge as to avoid a fight but sometimes sprinting into them works to get past them and sometimes it does not. Puzzling. Today I had to re-summon a storm atronach to be behind me because I could not get past him when he was blocking my way forward.
Morrowind directions were mostly accurate. There are literally only two instances in the vanilla game when they are wrong. The landmarks the directions used were always visible on the paper map that came with the game and for me at least it was a lot of fun to use the directions together with the map and figure out a route. Very adventurey
And to think OP is the new target audience. They are dumbing down games for them while longtime fans that listen to every line of dialogue, read most in game books because they are interested in the lore get stuck with more shallow and overly simplified dumbed down TES for Dummies games. Well, since the OP thinks it's too complicated, I think it's time once again to cut some more stuff and dumb down the series some more but first test it with Fallout. Wouldn't want the next TES to have too complicated dialogue or combat.
Exactly what I'm afraid will happen to the next ES game...
Can't blame the OP for not wanting to listen to every line. The writing isn't that good, and VA is often painfully slow. Sometimes the VA is good, sometimes it's really bad. (Create an Argonian and listen to Hadvar - you'll hear what I mean.)
One is for the Mage's guild when the Khajiit in the basemant of the Balmora chapter sends you to find some artifacts. She sends you west of Ball Fell when it should be east. Ball Fell is on a tiny island with not much around it though so it's not really a problem.
The other is an optional part of the main quest where you can save the son of a Dunmer who has information from a sixth house cave. I don't remember the exact fault but I think it also sent you in the wrong direction after a landmark.
A very difficult one was for the Daedric quest for Mehrunes Razor, but Daedric quests are allowed to be difficult. The description was: "Find it in [cave], near the mountains of Molag Mar." Which you then realise in despair must cover half Vvardenfell.
Right, I remember this one. It was bad, but Boethiah's quest tops it. It took me two years to find his broken statue. Admittedly, it wasn't caused by faulty directions.
I have this problem as well. If I lay off playing Skyrim (or any game with a similar view) for awhile, I have to get re-accustomed to it. Until I do this, I suffer from dizziness and headaches and can only play limited amounts at a time, but once I get used to the view again I can play for hours at a time. Takes me a few days to get used to it again, though.
Edit: to the TC--
The game won awards--despite its many issues--because it's a great RPG. I generally dislike FPS games, but I'd never question why such a game won awards: I'd assume it was because it was a great game for its genre, even though it didn't appeal to me.
It seems like maybe this isn't the game for you. Fair enough; it isn't for everyone. I'd give it more than 5 hours before giving up on it entirely, though: as people have already said, 5 hours is barely enough to scratch the surface.
This, Skyrim is an amazing game but there are some areas where it's just disappointing. It doesn't subtract from my love of the game but it does make me scratch my head like the laziness with Magic. It's basically genric and not unique anymore.
If people are not patient enough to listen carefully what the npc have to say, in order to get the information they need to play the quest they give them, maybe they should play another game.
Open world, freedom, graphics, expanse, variety, design and lore. That's why.
Skyrim isn't about combat as much as it is about being story driven, centered around exploration. If you come into it with an "action gamer" mentality, it would only be expected for one to be disappointed.
As far as why the awards? While it's not for everyone, you don't sell 11 million copies and not get recognized. I mean, they sold you a copy as well.
Let's all stop and smell the multi-pass
Sorry... had to