First Character: Orc warrior, using a big 2h sword purely. Logged over 30 hours of gametime (almost only sidequests and dungeon delving). Rerolled.
Second Character: Breton mage-thief. Conjuration + Archery + Sneak. Logged a good 15 hours on him. Rerolled.
Third Character: Argonian tank. Heavy armor + Sword'n'board + Restoration. Just started.
How did YOU set your mind? Im going crazy, too many options!!!!!!!!!!!
Started with SnB warrior, overall it went pretty good, but i wanted to try magic
Made a mage, turns out you really have to use your brain alot to play, and use spells from all the different trees (i dont wanna spent ages changing spells in the favorite menu)
Made a thief, i did the mistake of leveling sneak and pickpocket to 100 and got lvl something in twenties and got my ass handed to me when i left town.
Then i went back to my SnB warrior and apreciated the easyness.